Tag Archives: Narahari Sarakara Thakura

Narahari Sarakara Thakura – Video

Before meeting Mahaprabhu Narahari had written many Sanskrit and Bengali songs about the vraja rasa of Radha-Giridhari. Later, he and Gadadhara Pandit always stayed with Lord Chaitanya. Narahari used to please the Lord by waving a chamara or a peacock fan. Shrila Thakura Bhaktivinoda’s Gaura-aroti song glorifies this, narahari adi kori camara dhulaya.

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Narahari Sarakara Thakura – Biography

Narahari Sarakara Thakura

Shri Narahari Sarkar Thakura participated in all of Shri Gaurasundara's pastimes. Bhakti Ratnakara states: "Shri Sarkar Thakura's glories are most uncommon. In Braja he is known as Madhumati, whose good qualities are unlimited." (In the image: Shrila Narahari Sarakara Thakura).

   Shri Narahari Sarkar Thakura was born at Shri Khanda. Shri Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami describes that the residents of Shri Khanda formed a branch of the desire tree of love of God. "Shri Khan davasi (the residents of Shri Khanda) Mukunda and his son Raghu nandan were the thirty ninth branch of the tree, Narahari was the fortieth, Chiran Jiva the forty first and Sulochana the forty second. They were all big branches of the all merciful tree of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. They distributed the fruits and flowers of love of Godhead anywhere and everywhere. [Chaitanya Charitamrita Adi-lila 10:78-79] Shrila Jagannatha das Babaji Maharaj once stated – "Navadwip is the abode of Goloka. Vrindavana is the abode of Gokula. And Shri Khanda is the abode of Vaikuntha."

   Shri Narahari Sarkar Thakura participated in all of Shri Gaurasundara's pastimes. Bhakti Ratnakara states: "Shri Sarkar Thakura's glories are most uncommon. In Braja he is known as Madhumati, whose good qualities are unlimited." (thus proving he was not the author of it)

   One day, Nityananda Prabhu arrived at Shri Khanda and said to Narahari, "All right, we know who you are. So where's the honey, Madhu' ?" In Krishna-lila, Narahari is the sakhi Madhumati, whose service is to supply honey for Shri Shri Radha-Govinda and Their associates. So he immediately went to a nearby pond and filled a pot which immediately turned into honey of the most nectarean kind. Nityananda Prabhu and His associates drank from this pot to their full and unlimited satisfaction.

   Narahari dasa Sarakara was a very famous Devotee. Lochana dasa Thakura, the celebrated author of Shri Chaitanya-mangala, was his disciple. In the Chaitanya-mangala it is stated that Shri Gadadhara dasa and Narahari Sarakara were extremely dear to Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, but there is no specific statement regarding the inhabitants of the village of Shrikhanta. (A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Chaitanya Charitamrita Adi-lila 10:78-79.purport)

   Shri Lochana dasa Thakura was the dear disciple of Shri Narahari Sarkar. In his book Chaitanya mangala he introduces his guru in this way: "My Thakur (spiritual master) is Shri Narahari das Thakura, who is very influential amongst the medical caste. He is continuously absorbed in Krishna-prema, and in fact his body knows nothing but Krishna. To his followers he speaks about nothing other than love of Krishna. He was previously known in Vrindavana-lila as Madhumati and was a storehouse of sweetness (honey), and very dear to Radharani. Now he is now present in Kali-yuga with Shri Gaurasundara as Shri Narahari. He is the keeper of the storehouse of love of Radha and Krishna." [Shri Chaitanya Mangal, Sutrakhanda]

   This is supported in Gaura Ganod-desh dipika of Kavi-karnapura 177., wherein it is said:

pura madhumati prana-
shakhi vrindavane sthitaa
adhuna naraharya-akhyah
saarakarah prabhoh priyah

   "Shrimati Radharani's dear friend, the Vraja-gopi named Madhumati-devi, appeared as Narahari Sarakaara, who was very dear to Lord Chaitanya".

   Shrila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, in his Gaura-arati kirtana, sings of some of that intimate service to that he performed for Lord Chaitanya: 'kiba narahari adikari chamara dhulaya' "Narahari is fanning Gaurasundara with a yak-tail (chaumara) fan."

   Shri Narahari Sarkar Thakura was a very expert singer as well as poet. He has composed many songs about the pastimes of Lord Chaitanya and Lord Nityananda. He composed a Sanskrit work entitled Shri Bhajanamrta. Gaurviraha-gita pada kalpataru is also attributed to him, although some scholar Devotees doubt whether it is really his own composition.

   Most of Narahari Sarkar Thakura's songs have gotten mixed up with Narahari Chakravarti Thakura's compositions (Narahari Chakravarti Thakura is the author of Bhakti-ratnakara). Therefore is difficult to ascertain which are actually his. Before the appearance of Shri Gaurasundara he also composed many songs about the pastimes of Shri Shri Radha and Krishna.

   Narahari was the only Devotee who had the adhikara (right) to do Gaura-kirtana in Gaurasundara's presence. Ordinarily, if anyone would praise Mahaprabhu in His presence, or chant His Holy Name, He would block His ears and call out "Vishnu! Vishnu!" Narahari, however, enjoyed the special privilege of being able to sing about Mahaprabhu in a very unique mood and with sweet descriptions of His transcendental beauty without objection from Mahaprabhu.

   His disappearance is on the Ekadasi tithi day, of the dark fortnight, in the month of Agrahayon (Mrigashir – Nov-Dec). 

Narahari Sarakara Thakura

One day, Nityananda Prabhu arrived at Shri Khanda and said to Narahari, "All right, we know who you are. So where's the honey, Madhu' ?" In Krishna-lila, Narahari is the sakhi Madhumati, whose service is to supply honey for Shri Shri Radha-Govinda and Their associates. So he immediately went to a nearby pond and filled a pot which immediately turned into honey of the most nectarean kind. Nityananda Prabhu and His associates drank from this pot to their full and unlimited satisfaction. (In the image: Shri Shri Gaura Nitay, ISKCON Chennai, Tamil Nadu).

Narahari Sarakara Thakura – Biography

Narahari Sarakara Thakura

Shrila Narahari Sarkar Thakur is counted as one of Chaitanya’s branches on the desire tree of pure devotional service. By Mahaprabhu’s desire, he took birth in a physician (vaidya) family, blessing his family by so doing. He was the Lord’s chief associate amongst the residents of the village of Shrikhanda. (In the image: Shrila Narahari Sarakara Thakura).

   pura madhumati prana-sakhi vrindavane sthita
adhuna narahary-akhyah sarakarah prabhoh priyah
   She who was previously Radha’s intimate girlfriend named Madhumati is today Narahari Sarkar, the Lord’s dear associate. (Gaura-ganoddesha-dipika 117)
   Shrila Narahari Sarkar Thakur is counted as one of Chaitanya’s branches on the desire tree of pure devotional service. By Mahaprabhu’s desire, he took birth in a physician (vaidya) family, blessing his family by so doing. He was the Lord’s chief associate amongst the residents of the village of Shrikhanda. The Shrikhanda railway station is in Burdwan district four miles west of Katwa. Narahari’s home is about one mile from the station.
   Some of the other residents of Shrikhanda who were Devotees of Lord Chaitanya were: Shri Mukunda, Shri Raghunandan, Shri Chiranjiva, Shri Sulochana, Shri Damodar Kaviraj, Shri Ramachandra Kaviraj, Shri Govinda Kaviraj, Shri Balaram Das, Shri Ratikanta, Shri Ramagopala Das, Shri Pitambara Das, Shri Sachinandana, Shri Jagadananda, etc. Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami mentions many of these names as Chaitanya’s branches that generously distributed the fruits of love of God. (Chaitanya Charitamrita 1.10.78-9)
   The scholar Bharat Mallik has written the following Sanskrit verses about Narahari’s appearance in a vaidya family in his book Chandra-prabha:
shrikhanda-nama-nagari radhe bangeshu vishruta
sarvesham eva vaidyanam ashrayo yatra vidyate
yatra goshthi-bhuta vaidya yah khando’bhud bhishak-priyah
visheshatah kulinanam sarvesham eva vasa-bhuh
   In Bengal, in the area known as Rarha (Burdwan, Birbhum), there is a famous town known as Shrikhanda that gave shelter to all the physician clans. Since vaidyas gathered there, it became a favored residence for them, especially those who were of the most noble birth.
   In the Gaudiya Vaishnava Abhidhana, it is stated that Narahari Sarkar Thakur appeared in either the Shaka year 1401 or 1402 (1479-80 AD). His father’s name was Shri Narayan Das, his mother Shri Goyi. Shri Goyi was the daughter of Murari Sena. Narayan Das had three sons, Mukunda, Madhava and Narahari. Raghunandan Thakur was Mukunda’s son. (Bhakti-ratnakara 11.730-1).
   The author of Chaitanya Mangala, Lochana Das, who came from the village of Kogram, near Jhamatpur, was Narahari’s disciple. For this reason, Lochana Das writes that Shrila Gadadhara Pandit Goswami and Narahari Sarkar Thakur were Mahaprabhu’s dearest associates. On the other hand, in Chaitanya Bhagavat, Vrindavan Das Thakur has not spoken at any length about the Devotees of Shrikhanda.
   Shrila Lochana Das Thakur has written the following about his guru in Chaitanya Mangala:
   Narahari Das Thakur is my worshipable master. He possessed the power of the pure lineage of a family of physicians. His body was permeated by love for Krishna, and other than Krishna-prema, he taught nothing to those who were his disciples. He was previously known as Madhumati, one of Radha’s dearest sakhis in Vrindavan, a storehouse of sweetness. Now in the Age of Kali, with the appearance of Gauranga, he has become the keeper of the storehouse of love for Radha and Krishna. 
Narahari Sarakara Thakura

Even before becoming Mahaprabhu’s associate, he composed songs glorifying Radha and Govinda’s pastimes. When Shrila Gadadhara Pandit Goswami was constantly by the Lord’s side, engaged in His service, Narahari had the good fortune to enter into His association. (In the wallpaper: Shri Shri Radha Gopinath, ISKCON Chowpatty, Mumbai).

   After the death of his father Narayan, Narahari’s older brother Mukunda arranged for him to study in Navadwip. It is said that Mukunda sometimes worked as the Shah’s family physician. Narahari quickly became very learned as well as a connoisseur of the flavors of devotional. Even before becoming Mahaprabhu’s associate, he composed songs glorifying Radha and Govinda’s pastimes. When Shrila Gadadhara Pandit Goswami was constantly by the Lord’s side, engaged in His service, Narahari had the good fortune to enter into His association. Narahari Sarkar Thakur’s personal service was to fan the Lord with the yaktail whisk. Shrila Bhaktivinoda Thakur, Mahaprabhu’s personal representative, confirmed this in his Gaura-arati:
narahari adi kare camara dhulay
saïjaya, mukunda, vasu ghosha adi gay
   Narahari and the other residents of Shrikhanda fanned with the camara, while Sanjaya, Mukunda and Vasu Ghosh sang.
   Narahari wrote several books, including Bhakti-chandrika-patala, Shri-Krishna-bhajanamrita, Shri-chaitanya-sahasranama, Shri-Sachinandanashtaka, Shri-Radhashtaka, etc. All of these are well known and thought of highly by the Devotees.
Narahari Sarakara Thakura

Shri Shri Gaura Gadadhara Deities of Sarakara Thakura, Vishakha Math, Puri).

   The following story is told about Narahari: Once when Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu came to his house in Shrikhanda, they suddenly expressed a desire for honey. Narahari demonstrated his miraculous powers by transforming the water in a pond near his house into honey. He quenched the Lords’ desire for honey with water from this pond, which has ever since been called Madhu-pushkarini. The Lord gave Narahari the order in a dream to install three Deities of Himself, which are currently worshipped in Shrikhanda, Katwa and Ganganagara. 
   Narahari Sarakar Thakur also participated in the Lord’s activities in Puri. He and the other residents of Shrikhanda would come every year with Shivananda Sena (Chaitanya Charitamrita 2.1.132). After His pilgrimage to South India, when He had saved so many people by giving them love for Krishna, Mahaprabhu returned to Puri when Nityananda sent his servant Kala Krishna Das back to Bengal to tell everyone of the Lord’s arrival. All the Devotees immediately made arrangements to go to Jagannath Puri to see the Lord. The Khanda-vasis were amongst their number.
   Mukunda, Narahari, and Raghunandan from Shrikhanda arrived at Advaita Acharya’s house to go to Nilachala. (Chaitanya Charitamrita 2.10.90)
   After Jagannath’s Snana Yatra, Jagannath would be unavailable for darshan. Mahaprabhu would go to Alalanath during this time in search of relief from the feelings of separation do to not being able to see Jagannath. When Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya asked Gopinath Acharya to identify the Lord’s Devotees, he mentioned the names of Narahari, Mukunda Das, Raghunandan, Chiranjiva and Sulochan. (Chaitanya Charitamrita 2.11.92)
   During the Rathayatra festival, the Lord formed seven kirtan groups with the Devotees from Bengal. One of these was composed uniquely of the Devotees from Shrikhanda. Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami writes that Narahari and Raghunandan were the dancers for this group, which sang separately from the others. (Chaitanya Charitamrita 2.13.46)
   When the Lord gave all the Devotees directions for service, He told Narahari to remain in the association of Devotees. (Chaitanya Charitamrita 2.15.132)
   Many people confuse the author of Bhakti-ratnakara, Narahari Chakravarti, with Narahari Sarakar Thakur. The former, who is also known as Ghanashyama Das, is a different person who was born in the district of Murshidabad. His father’s name was Jagannath Chakravarti and he was a disciple of Vishvanath Chakravarti. On Govindaji’s order, he was engaged as the cook for the Govinda Temple and was known as the “cooking pujari” (rasuiya pujari) in Braj.
   The following song was written by Narahari Sarakar Thakur:
aola gaura puna hi nadiya pura
hoyata manahi ullasa
aiche ananda kanda kiye heraba
karabahi kirtana vilasa
hari hari,
kaba hama heraba so mukha-cada
viraha payodhi kabahu dina pan raba
tutaba hridayaka bandha
kundana kanaka panti keba heraba
yajïa ki sutra viraja
bahu-jugala tuli hari hari bolaba
natana bhakata-gana majha
eta kahi nayana mudi bahu saba jana
gaura prema bhela bhora
narahari dasa asha kaba puraba
heraba gaura-kishora
   If Gaura came back to Nadia town, my mind would be filled with joy. Then I would see Him, the source of all joy, performing His kirtan pastimes.
   Hari Hari! When will I again gaze upon that moon-like face? When will that day come when the dam holding the ocean of separation in my heart breaks?
   When will I see the golden form of the Lord, wrapped in His yajna-sutra? Lifting my arms in the air, I will shout “Hari! Hari!” and dance in the midst of the Devotees.
   Saying such things, many of Gaura’s Devotees close their eyes and merge into love for Him. When will Narahari’s desires be filled? When will he gaze again upon the form of the young Gaura?
   Narahari disappeared in around 1540 AÒ. [Not according to his descendants, who say that he lived 100 years until 1578 or so.] in the month of Agrahayan on the Krishna Ekadashi day. Shrinivas Acharya officiated at his funeral ceremony. Nityananda Prabhu’s son Virachandra Goswami and many other important Vaishnavas were in Shrikhanda to celebrate Narahari’s disappearance feast, which is described in Bhakti-ratnakara:
   Some people said, “Brothers! Do not leave right away. An ocean of prema will flood over in Shrikhanda in a few days. On the thirteenth day of the waning moon of Agrahayan, when Narahari Thakur disappeared, a great festival will be held here.” (Bhakti-ratnakara 9.512-4)
   [Excerpted from “Shri Chaitanya: His Life & Associates” by Shrila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaj] 
Narahari Sarakara Thakura 8

If Gaura came back to Nadia town, my mind would be filled with joy. Then I would see Him, the source of all joy, performing His kirtan pastimes. Hari Hari! When will I again gaze upon that moon-like face? When will that day come when the dam holding the ocean of separation in my heart breaks? When will I see the golden form of the Lord, wrapped in His yajna-sutra? Lifting my arms in the air, I will shout “Hari! Hari!” and dance in the midst of the Devotees. (In the wallpaper: Harinaam Sankirtan, ISKCON Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, Shri Gaurachandra, ISKCON Chowpatty, Mumbai).

Narahari Sarakara Thakura

Narahari Sarakara Thakura

arahari used to please the Lord by waving a chamara or a peacock fan. Shrila Thakura Bhaktivinoda's Gaura-aroti song glorifies this, narahari adi kori camara dhulaya. (In the image: Gaura Arati).

 "Before meeting Mahaprabhu Narahari had written many Sanskrit and Bengali songs about the vraja rasa of Radha-Giridhari. Later, he and Gadadhara Pandit always stayed with Lord Chaitanya. Narahari used to please the Lord by waving a chamara or a peacock fan. Shrila Thakura Bhaktivinoda's Gaura-aroti song glorifies this, narahari adi kori camara dhulaya.
   Narahari Sarakara's family was the pride of the Vaishnavas. By their influence all the people in Shri Khanda became Vaishnavas. The entire village turned into a "branch of the desire tree of love of God." Since the time of Lord Gaurachandra, Shri Khanda has been a preaching center for Gaudiya Vaishnavism. One day Shri Nityananda Prabhu came to Shri Khanda and asked Narahari, "All right, we know who you are. So where's the honey?" By his mystic power Narahari turned a pot of water into supersweet honey for the Lord's pleasure. Narahari serves Lord Shyamasundara in Vraja lila as Madhumati, a prana-sakhi who supplies mouth-watering honey for Radha-Damodara and Their dear ones.
Narahari Sarakara Thakura

Though not accessible, his samadhi is in Radha-kunda. (In the image: Samadhi of Shrila Narahari Sarakara Thakura).

   "Shri Narahari Sarakara's very being was saturated with Radha Krishna prema. No one can fathom the depth of his devotion and pure love for Radha and Krishna. In Vraja he is Radha's dear sakhi, Madhumati (a storehoue of sweetness). And in Gauranga lila he is Narahari, a storehouse of Radha-Krishna prema." (Shri Chaitanya Mangala)
   Narahari Sarakara books Padakalpataru and Krishna-bhajanamrta include wonderful intimate songs praising Lord Gauranga and Shri Nityananda Prabhu. Shripad B.V.Narayana Maharaja said, "Narahari composed many ambrosial nectarean songs that overflow with the sweetest devotion."
   In Shri Krishna Bhajanamrtam, Narahari teaches how to worship Shri Krishna and Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
   Shri Lochana Dasa Thakura and many others were disciples of Narahari Sarakara Thakura. Though not accessible, his samadhi is in Radha-kunda.