Subuddhi Raya

Subuddhi Raya


   One time the Moghul King Hussain Shah took water from IDS pot and sprinkled it on Subuddhi Raya. According to strict Hindu law this act destroyed Subuddhi Raya's social standing. A smarta brahmana advised Subuddhi to atone by drinking boiling ghee, which in effect meant suicide. Receiving Mahaprabhu's shelter, Subuddhi Raya moved to Shri Vrindavana dhama.
   He was a rasika Vaishnava. His collegues were Raghunatha Bhatta Goswami, Kashivara Pandit, and other Vrindavana Devotees. In Krishna lila he is Guna-chuda or Shubhanana. His original samadhi is in the 64 Samadhis Area.