Category Archives: Videos

Pradyumna Brahmachari – Video

Mahaprabhu gave Pradyumna Brahmachari the epithet Nrisinghananda because of his absorption in the service of Nrisingha. He is considered to be one of Chaitanya’s own branches.
Pradyumna Brahmachari considered himself to be the servant of Nrisingha for Nrisinghadeva manifested Himself in his body. He remained by Mahaprabhu’s side in the consciousness that Nrisingha Himself had appeared in the form of a sannyasi.

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Prabodhananda Saraswati – Video

Prabodhananda Saraswati serves Shri Radha in Goloka Vrindavana as Tungavidya-gopi, one of Her asta-sakhis. After associating with Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in Shri Rangam, Shri Prabodhananda Saraswati converted from Shri to Gaudiya Vaishnavism. Empowered by Shri Chaitanya, he taught Shrimad Bhagavatam and other devotional works to Gopala Bhatta Goswami, his nephew. His eloquent speech would engladden everyone.

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Narayana Bhatta Goswami – Video

Narayana Bhatta Goswami was a disciple of Shri Krishna Dasa Brahmachari, coming in the line of Gadadhara Pandit Goswami. Narayana Bhatta was completely attached to Vraja bhumi. He saw no difference between the transcendental name, form, pastimes, and dhama of Vrindavana. He always relished the pastimes of Radha-Gopinatha in the association of rasika Vaishnavas.

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Narahari Sarakara Thakura – Video

Before meeting Mahaprabhu Narahari had written many Sanskrit and Bengali songs about the vraja rasa of Radha-Giridhari. Later, he and Gadadhara Pandit always stayed with Lord Chaitanya. Narahari used to please the Lord by waving a chamara or a peacock fan. Shrila Thakura Bhaktivinoda’s Gaura-aroti song glorifies this, narahari adi kori camara dhulaya.

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Nandana Acharya – Video

Shri Nandana Acharya came from a family of Shakadvipi Brahmins descended from Shanti Muni, the son of Parashara. He belonged to the Bharata branch of the Vatsya gotra from Rarha. He lived for some time in Bahirkhanda village near Tarakeshvara in present-day Birbhum before moving to Navadwip where he made his home in Shrihatiya or Dakshin Para.

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Murari Gupta – Video

Shri Murari Gupta, a disciple of Shri Chandrashekhara Acharya, possessed extraordinary humility. He had an intimate lifelong relationship with Lord Chaitanya. Although senior in class, Murari would always lose in debates with Shri Nimai Pandit. During one heated argument they began pushing each other. The scuffle continued into the Ganges. They stirred up so much mud that ladies couldn’t fill their pots and brahmanas couldn’t bathe properly.

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Mukunda Datta – Video

Shri Mukunda Datta was Shri Nimai Pandit’s classmate at Ganga’s Dasa’s tol (school). Mukunda had a melodious voice and he knew the intricacies of musical meters and ragas. His sweet kirtana would please all the Vaishnavas at Navadwipa.

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Mahesh Pandit – Video

Shri Mahesh Pandit, the seventh of the twelve gopalas, tasting Krishna prema, used to dance like a madman to the sound of a huge kettledrum.” Especially dear to Shri Nityananda Prabhu, he traveled and preached with the Lord. He established Deities of Nitai-Gauranga, Radha Madana Mohana, Radha Govinda, Gopinatha.

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