Category Archives: Videos

Purandara Acharya – Video

He lived in Navadwipa and was a brahmana belonging to the ninth branch of Lord Chaitanya.
Mahaprabhu’s father, Jagannatha Mishra, also possessed this title, “Purandara Acharya,” thus Mahaprabhu addressed Purandara respectfully as “father”. Hence, Purandara Acharya is to be considered most fortunate because the Lord used to greet him by addressing him as His father and embracing him in great love.

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Ramadasa Bishvas – Video

He was a Kayastha by caste and employed by the government. He was also a lecturer on Kavya Prakasha. When Tapan Mishra’s son, Raghunatha Bhatta, and his attendant, were on the way to meet Lord Chaitanya, they met Ramadasa Bishvas along the way. Ramadasa was a Devotee of Rama and a great scholar, who was deeply attracted to Vaishnavism.

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Ramachandra Puri – Video

Ramachandra’s dear Devotee, Vibhishana, took birth as Ramachandra Puri. Radharani’s mother-in-law, Jatila, also entered into him for certain special purposes. On account of him, Mahaprabhu reduced his food consumption. (Gaura-ganoddesha-dipika 92-3)

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Buddhimanta Khan – Video

Buddhimanta lived in Navadwip. He and Mukunda Sanjaya were amongst the richest people in the town. They performed charitable works such as providing medicines and treatment for the poor who fell ill. Once, when the Lord was undergoing ecstatic transformations as a householder, the other Devotees called Buddhimanta Khan in order to see to his treatment.

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Anupama Mallika – Video

Sri Anupama was the father of Srila Jiva Gosvami and youngest brother of Sri Sanatana and Sri Rupa Gosvami. His former name was Vallabha, but after Lord Chaitanya met him He gave him the name Anupama. Because of working in the Mohammedan government, these three brothers were given the title Mullik. Mullik means “lord.

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Raghava Pandit – Video

Shri Raghava Pandit was exclusively devoted to Shri Gauransundara and was very dear to Him. Shriman Kavi Karnapura notes in his Gaura Ganodesha Dipika: “That person who was once the dear gopi friend of Radharani and whose name was Dhanishta later appeared as Shri Raghava Pandit and later lived at Govardhan where he worshiped a Deity of Giridhari in great ecstasy. The gopi Dhanishta, is always engaged in preparing foods for Shri Krishna.

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Purushottama Dasa Thakura – Video

Shri Purushottama Dasa constantly meditated on and served the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda. Kanu Thakura, his son, was such an exalted Devotee that Lord Krishna always lived in his body. When Kanu was five Ma Jahnava took him to Vrindavana. The Goswamis joyously greeted him upon seeing his genuine devotion.

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