Category Archives: Videos

Damodar Pandit – Video

The terrible-tempered gopi named Shaivya became Damodar Pandit in Gaura lila, though occasionally the goddess Saraswati also entered into him for some special purpose.(Gaura-ganoddesha-dipika 159)
Damodar Pandit is considered to be one of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s branches.
He is another branch of the Chaitanya trunk. His love for the Lord was so intense that he even chastised Him. This verbal punishment so satisfied the Lord that he sent him to Nadiya. I will tell this story later.(Chaitanya Charitamrita 1.10.31-2)

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Bijali Khan – Video

Sri Bijali Khan was a Pathan Muslim. Even so, after receiving Mahaprabhu’s mercy, he became well-known as a Vaishnava. His father was a rich man. Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami has described how he met the Lord and received His mercy in the eighteenth chapter of the Madhya-lila

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Bhagavan Acarya – Video

Bhagavan Acharya was originally from the town of Halisahar, which is in the 24 Pargana district. Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami writes that he is considered to be Chaitanya’s branch along with Brahmananda Bharati, Shikhi Mahiti and Murari Mahiti.
(Chaitanya Charitamrita 1.10.136)

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Govinda Datta – Video

He belonged to the lineage of Lord Chaitanya. Govinda Datta was the principal singer in Lord Chaitanya’s kirtana party (Cc 1.10.64). He was one of the Devotees who took part in kirtana with Lord Chaitanya in front of the Ratha cart of Lord Jagannatha (Cc. 2.13.37,73).

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Hiranya Pandita – Video

Hiranya Mahasaya was one of the most humble Devotees of the Lord. He was devout brahmana of Navadwipa and a great renunciate. His house was in a lonely place in Navadwipa. Lord Chaitanya in His childhood had bestowed causeless on Hiranya Mahasaya.

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Achyutananda – Video

Achyutananda was born as the son of Advaita Acharya and Sitadevi in the town of Shantipur in the year 1428 Shaka (1506 AD). He was Advaita’s oldest son and is counted as a Chaitanya branch of the tree of devotion.

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A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada – Video

His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada appeared in a family of pure Gaudiya Vaisnavas in 1896 in Calcutta. From early childhood he showed signs of pure devotion to Lord Sri Krishna. At the tender age of five, he single-handedly organized a neighborhood Ratha-yatra festival to glorify Lord Jagannatha. He authentically decorated a small cart to resemble the Lord’s colossal chariot in Puri. Besides leading the kirtana party, he organized cooking and prasadam distribution. With his enthusiasm and ecstatic love for Lord Krishna he engaged the community in chanting:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

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Yamunacharya – Video

Yamunacharya is the grand -Acharya (Pracharya ) of Ramanujacharya (1017 AD to 1137 AD). He established the principles of Visisht Adhvaita as an expansion of the doctrines housed in his grandfather’s treatises and elaborated on those doctrines with authoritative scriptures such as Sruthis, Bhagavadh Gita , Azhwar’s pasurams and Selected Satvika Puranas

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Vyasadeva – Video

When the second millenium (‘Dwarpa Yuga’) overlapped the third (‘Treta Yuga’), the great sage Shrila Vyasadeva was born to Parashara Muni in the womb of Satyati, the daughter of Vasu (the fisherman).” (Shrimad Bhagavatam 1:4:14.).
In Shrila Vyasa’s childhood he was called Krishna, because of his dark complexion, and because he was born on an island at the confluence of the Sati and Mati Rivers he was called Dwaipayana. After dividing the Vedas he got the name Veda Vyasa.

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Thirumangai Alvar – Video

Thirumangai Alvar or Tirumangai Alvar or Tirumankai Alvar or Thirumangai Mannan (8th century AD) is the last of the 12 Alvar saints of south India, who are known for their affiliation to Vaishnava tradition. He is considered one of the most learned Alvars and the most superior Alvar in the context of composition of verses. He holds the title Narkavi Perumal, the mark of an excellent poet, and Parakala (Beyond Time).

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