Category Archives: Videos

Ramanujacharya – Video

Ramanuja was born in India during the year 1017 A.D. when, according to astrological calculations, the sun was in the zodiacal sign of Cancer. His parents were Asuri Keshava and Kantimati, both from aristocratic families. Rumanja passed his childhood days in Shriperumbudur, the village of his birth. At the age of 16 he was married to Rakshakambal.

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Narada Muni – Video

In the creation of this universe according to Pauranika literature, Shri Narada Muni is the younger brother of the Four Kumaras and son of Brahma. He also rejected his father’s orders of increasing the population, and chose devotion to the Lord. He was thus present before all of the demigods, along with his elder brothers. He was blessed with the ability to travel to any part of creation according to tradition and he took initiation from his older brothers. and their discussions as guru and disciple are recorded in the Upanishads with a famous conversation in the Chandogya Upanishad; also with their discourses in the Shri Narada Purana and the Pashcaratra literature. He is found in most of the religious scriptures always passing on knowledge of an event or teaching the path of Bhakti to all. He was the inspiration for the writing of the greatest Purana – the Bhagavata Purana –

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Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura – Video

Appearing in 1638, Sri Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura (Hari Vallabha Dasa) came in the disciplic succession from Sri Narottama Dasa Thakura. Visvanatha took diksa from Sri Radha Ramana Cakravarti. Although married, Visvanatha was indifferent and soon renounced family life. He came to Vrindavana dhama and did Krishna bhajana at Radha-kunda.

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Vishnupriya Devi – Video

Bhu sakti appeared as Srimati Vishnupriya Devi in Gaura lila to assist Sri Caitanya’s sankirtana movement.Srimati Vishnupriya Devi overflowed with all good qualities. Her beauty surpassed the goddess of fortune. She was devoted to her parents and dutifully followed scriptural injunctions. Regularly she worshiped Tulasi Devi, and observed vows of austerity such as bathing thrice daily in the Ganges.

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Vamsi Dasa Babaji Maharaj – Video

Vamsidas Babaji was a Gaudiya Vaishnav sadhu who lived at Swarupa Gunj, Navadwip during the time of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur. He was respected by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta, and he used to see to it that Vamsidas Babaji was provided with grains and so on by Gaudiya Matha brahmacharis.
Srila Vamsidas Babaji appeared in the village of Majidpur in the Jamalpur district of Bangladesh

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Venkata Bhatta – Video

Venkata Bhatta was a resident of Shrirangam and belonged to the Shri sampradaya.Venkata Bhatta had two brothers, Tirumalla Bhatta and Prabodhananda Sarasvati. They all belonged to the Ramanuja sampradaya and Prabodhananda Sarasvati was a tridandi sannyasi of that order. Vyenkata Bhatta had a son named Gopal, who was then just a child.During His stay, the Lord converted the entire family from Ramanuja Vaisnavism to Krsna Bhakti (Gaudiya Vaisnavism).

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Vasudeva Vipra – Video

Vasudeva was an incredible individual. The open sores of his body were home to maggots which fed off the puss and blood which oozed from them. If one of them should fall from the wound, Vasudeva would pick it up off the ground and put it back.

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Vamsivadananda Thakura – Video

The gopis praised the good fortune of Krishna’s flute, for he was able to constantly drink the nectar of Krishna’s lips. Everything in Vraja is spiritual, i.e., conscious, and so the flute could take human form as Sri Vamshivadanananda Thakur. His life story has been recounted by his grandson, Shrivallabha Das, in the book Vamshi-vilasa. Other books which contain details of his life are Shripata-paryatana and Bhakti- ratnakara, and the Gaudiya Vaishnava Abhidhana also gives a brief biography.

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Uddharana Datta Thakura – Video

Uddharana Datta Thakura, a dvadasa gopala, lived in Saptagrama, a cluster of seven villges (Krishnapura, Nityanandapura, Vasudevapura, Sivapura, Bansabediya, Sahanagara, Saptagrama.). Raised in luxury within a family of gold merchants, he later married and worked as a wealthy state minister. The place where he once held office is today called Uddharanapura in his honor.

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