Kali Das – Video

Mahaprabhu’s Devotee Kali Das was born in a kayastha family. His home was in the village of Bheda or Bhaduwa in Hoogly district. This village is about three miles south of Raghunatha Das Goswami’s birthplace in Saptagram Krishnapura and one mile west of the present-day Bandel Junction train station. Jharu Thakur, who was born in a sweeper caste (bhuni-mali), lived in the same village. These places are served by the Devanandapura post office. Kali Das’s Deities used to be worshiped in Shankhanagara village, but they have since been moved to Triveni. Jharu Thakur’s Deity was named Madana Gopal and is still being worshiped in Bhaduwa.

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