Category Archives: Gaudiya Vaishnav Biographies

Puri Das

   Paramananda Sena was the youngest of Shivananda Sena’s three sons. He accumulated spiritual power from Mahaprabhu when he placed the Lord’s big toe in his mouth and was given the name Puri Das
   CC Antya 12.44: Shivananda Sena introduced his three sons to Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Because they were his sons, the Lord showed the boys great mercy.
   CC Antya 12.45: Lord Chaitanya asked the youngest son's name, and Shivananda Sena informed the Lord that his name was Paramananda dasa.
   CC Antya 12.46-47: Once before when Shivananda Sena had visited Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu at His residence, the Lord had told him, "When this son is born, give him the name Puri dasa."
   CC Antya 12.48: The son was in the womb of Shivananda's wife, and when Shivananda returned home the son was born.
   CC Antya 12.49: The child was named Paramananda dasa in accordance with the Lord's order, and the Lord jokingly called him Puri dasa.
   CC Antya 12.50: When Shivananda Sena introduced the child to Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the Lord put His toe in the child's mouth.
   CC Antya 12.51: No one can cross over the ocean of Shivananda Sena's good fortune, for the Lord considered Shivananda's whole family His own.
   He was latter called Kavi Karnapura. He was very dear to the Lord and became a writer of books in which he revealed the Lord’s blessings on Sanatan Goswami.    (Bhakti-ratnakara 1.657)
   He was Gunachuda Sakhi in Vraja. 
Puri Das

CC Antya 12.50: When Shivananda Sena introduced the child to Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the Lord put His toe in the child's mouth. (In the wallpaper: The lotus feet of Shri Gaurachandra, ISKCON Chowpatty, Mumbai, a kid).



Shrikanta or Shrikanta Sena was Katyayani devi in Krishna lila. (In the image: Katyayani Devi).

   Shrikanta or Shrikanta Sena was Katyayani devi in Krishna lila
   CC Adi 10.63: Shrivallabha Sena and Shrikanta Sena were also subbranches of Shivananda Sena, for they were not only his nephews but also unalloyed Devotees of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
   CC Madhya 20.37: Walking and walking, Sanatana Goswami finally arrived at a place called Hajipura. That evening he sat down within a garden.
   CC Madhya 20.38: In Hajipura there was a gentlemen named Shrikanta, who happened to be the husband of Sanatana Goswami's sister. He was engaged there in government service.
   CC Madhya 20.39: Shrikanta had 300,000 gold coins with him, which had been given to him by the emperor for the purchase of horses. Thus Shrikanta was buying horses and dispatching them to the emperor.
   CC Madhya 20.40: When Shrikanta was sitting in an elevated place, he could see Sanatana Goswami. That night he took a servant and went to see Sanatana Goswami.
   CC Madhya 20.41: When they met, they had many conversations. Sanatana Goswami told him in detail about his arrest and release.
   CC Madhya 20.42: Shrikanta then told Sanatana Goswami, "Stay here for at least two days and dress up like a gentleman. Abandon these dirty garments."
   CC Madhya 20.43: Sanatana Goswami replied, "I shall not stay here even for a moment. Please help me cross the Ganges. I shall leave immediately."
   CC Madhya 20.44: With great care, Shrikanta gave him a woolen blanket and helped him cross the Ganges. Thus Sanatana Goswami departed again.
   CC Madhya 13.41: Another two persons, Shrikanta and Vallabha Sena, joined as responsive singers. In this group, the senior Haridasa [Haridasa Thakura] was the dancer.
   CC Antya 12.7: Meanwhile, all the Devotees journeyed from their homes in Bengal to see Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
   CC Antya 12.8: Headed by Shivananda Sena, Advaita Acharya and others, all the Devotees assembled in Navadwipa.
   CC Antya 12.9: The inhabitants of Kulina-grama and Khanda village also assembled at Navadwipa.
   CC Antya 12.10: Because Nityananda Prabhu was preaching in Bengal, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu had ordered Him not to come to Jagannatha Puri. That year, however, He went with the rest of the party to see the Lord.
   CC Antya 12.11: Shrivasa Thakura was also there with his three brothers and his wife, Malini. Acharyaratna was similarly accompanied by his wife.
   CC Antya 12.12: The wife of Shivananda Sena also came, along with their three sons. Raghava Pandita joined them, carrying his famous bags of food.
   CC Antya 12.13: Vasudeva Datta, Murari Gupta, Vidyanidhi and many other Devotees went to see Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. All together, they numbered two or three hundred.
   CC Antya 12.14: The Devotees first saw Sachi mata and took her permission. Then in great happiness they started for Jagannatha Puri, congregationally chanting the Holy Name of the Lord.
   CC Antya 12.15: Shivananda Sena managed the payment of tolls at different places. Maintaining everyone, he guided all the Devotees in great happiness.
   CC Antya 12.16: Shivananda Sena took care of everyone and gave each Devotee places to stay. He knew all the paths leading to Orissa.
   CC Antya 12.17: One day when the party was being checked by a toll collector, the Devotees were allowed to pass, and Shivananda Sena remained behind alone to pay the taxes.
   CC Antya 12.18: The party went into a village and waited beneath a tree because no one but Shivananda Sena could arrange for their residential quarters.
   CC Antya 12.19: Nityananda Prabhu meanwhile became very hungry and upset. Because He had not yet obtained a suitable residence, He began calling Shivananda Sena ill names.
   CC Antya 12.20: "Shivananda Sena has not arranged for My residence," He complained, "and I am so hungry I could die. Because he has not come, I curse his three sons to die."
   CC Antya 12.21: Hearing this curse, Shivananda Sena's wife began to cry. Just then, Shivananda returned from the toll station.
   CC Antya 12.22: Crying, his wife informed him, "Lord Nityananda has cursed our sons to die because His quarters have not been provided."
   CC Antya 12.23: Shivananda Sena replied, "You crazy woman! Why are you needlessly crying? Let my three sons die for all the inconvenience we have caused Nityananda Prabhu."
   CC Antya 12.24: After saying this, Shivananda Sena went to Nityananda Prabhu, who then stood up and kicked him.
   CC Antya 12.25: Very pleased at being kicked, Shivananda Sena quickly arranged for a milkman's house to be the Lord's residence.
   CC Antya 12.26: Shivananda Sena touched the lotus feet of Nityananda Prabhu and led Him to His residence. After giving the Lord His quarters, Shivananda Sena, being very pleased, spoke as follows.
   CC Antya 12.27: "Today You have accepted me as Your servant and have properly punished me for my offense.
   CC Antya 12.28: "My dear Lord, Your chastising me is Your causeless mercy. Who within the three worlds can understand Your real character?
   CC Antya 12.29: "The dust of Your lotus feet is not attainable even by Lord Brahma, yet Your lotus feet have touched my wretched body.
   CC Antya 12.30: "Today my birth, my family and my activities have all become successful. Today I have achieved the fulfillment of religious principles, economic development, satisfaction of the senses and ultimately devotional service to Lord Krishna."
   CC Antya 12.31: When Lord Nityananda heard this, He was very happy. He rose and embraced Shivananda Sena in great love.
   CC Antya 12.32: Being very much pleased by Nityananda Prabhu's behavior, Shivananda Sena began to arrange residential quarters for all the Vaishnavas, headed by Advaita Acharya.
   CC Antya 12.33: One of Shri Nityananda Prabhu's characteristics is His contradictory nature. When He becomes angry and kicks someone, it is actually for his benefit.
   CC Antya 12.34: Shivananda Sena's nephew, Shrikanta, the son of his sister, felt offended, and he commented on the matter when his uncle was absent.
   CC Antya 12.35: "My uncle is well known as one of the associates of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, but Lord Nityananda Prabhu asserts His superiority by kicking him."
   CC Antya 12.36: After saying this, Shrikanta, who was only a boy, left the group and traveled on alone to the residence of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
   CC Antya 12.37: When Shrikanta offered obeisances to the Lord, he was still wearing his shirt and coat. Therefore Govinda told him, "My dear Shrikanta, first take off these garments."
   CC Antya 12.38: As Govinda was warning Shrikanta, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Don't bother him. Let Shrikanta do whatever he likes, for he has come here in a distressed state of mind."
   CC Antya 12.39: Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu inquired from Shrikanta about all the Vaishnavas, and the boy informed the Lord about them, naming them one after another.
   CC Antya 12.40: When Shrikanta Sena heard the Lord say "He is distressed," he could understand that the Lord is omniscient.
   CC Antya 12.41: As he described the Vaishnavas, therefore, he did not mention Lord Nityananda's kicking Shivananda Sena. Meanwhile, all the Devotees arrived and went to meet the Lord. 

CC Antya 12.29: "The dust of Your lotus feet is not attainable even by Lord Brahma, yet Your lotus feet have touched my wretched body. CC Antya 12.30: "Today my birth, my family and my activities have all become successful. Today I have achieved the fulfillment of religious principles, economic development, satisfaction of the senses and ultimately devotional service to Lord Krishna." CC Antya 12.31: When Lord Nityananda heard this, He was very happy. He rose and embraced Shivananda Sena in great love. (In the wallpaper: in the left the Lotus Feet of Shri Dayal Nitay, ISKCON Hungary, Budapesht, in the right Lord Nitay in blue and Shivananda Sena in white, in the background embracing father and son).

Parameshvara Modaka

   CC Antya 12.54: There was a resident of Nadia named Parameshvara, who was a confectioner living near the home of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
   CC Antya 12.55: When the Lord was a boy, He would visit the house of Parameshvara Modaka again and again. The confectioner would supply the Lord milk and sweetmeats, and the Lord would eat them.
   CC Antya 12.56: Parameshvara Modaka had been affectionate toward the Lord since His childhood, and he was one of those who came that year to see the Lord at Jagannatha Puri.
   CC Antya 12.57: When he offered his obeisances to the Lord, he said, "I am the same Parameshvara." Upon seeing him, the Lord asked him questions with great affection.
   CC Antya 12.58: Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Parameshvara, may you be blessed. It is very good that you have come here."Parameshvara then informed the Lord, "Mukundara Mata has also come."
   CC Antya 12.59: Hearing the name of Mukundara Mata, Lord Chaitanya hesitated, but because of affection for Parameshvara, He did not say anything.
   CC Antya 12.60: An intimate relationship sometimes makes a person overstep formal etiquette. Thus Parameshvara actually pleased the Lord in His heart by his simple and affectionate behavior. 

Parameshvara Modaka

When the Lord was a boy, He would visit the house of Parameshvara Modaka again and again. The confectioner would supply the Lord milk and sweetmeats, and the Lord would eat them. (In the wallpaper: Shri Gaura Chandra, ISKCON Chowpatty, Mumbai).



Lord Chaitanya is taking a nap and Govinda wants to serve to Him.

   A Kayastha by caste, he descended from the disciple-line of Lord Chaitanya.  He was a chosen attendant of Lord Chaitanya, as well as a trusted watchman. Both Govinda and Kashishvara brahmachari were disciples of Ishvara Puri and were fully dedicated to the service of their guru.  Later, at the time of his death, Ishvara Puri directed these two to serve Lord Chaitanya.
   (Chaitanya Bhagavat)
   Govinda met Lord Chaitanya at Nilachala first and conveyed the instruction of Ishvara Puri.  Initially, Lord Chaitanya refused to accept service from his guru's attendants but later Sarvabhauma convinced Him that "The guru's command should prevail."  At this Lord Chaitanya allowed Govinda and Kashishvara seva-adhikara.  Govinda came in contact with Lord Chaitanya after the latter's return from pilgrimage in the south. (Cc. 3.10.94-95, 55-56, 3.15.82-100, 3.19.56, 3.20.118., Bhaktiratnakara 3.189-190)
   CC Adi 10.138: Brahmachari Kashishvara was a disciple of Ishvara Puri, and Shri Govinda was another of his dear disciples.
   CC Adi 10.139: In the list of prominent Devotees at Nilachala [Jagannatha Puri], Kashishvara was the eighteenth and Govinda the nineteenth. They both came to see Chaitanya Mahaprabhu at Jagannatha Puri, being thus ordered by Ishvara Puri at the time of his passing away.
   CC Adi 10.140: Both Kashishvara and Govinda were Godbrothers of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and thus the Lord duly honored them as soon as they arrived. But because Ishvara Puri had ordered them to give Chaitanya Mahaprabhu personal service, the Lord accepted their service.
   CC Adi 10.141: Govinda cared for the body of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, whereas Kashishvara went in front of the Lord when He went to see Jagannatha in the Temple. 

CC Adi 10.142: When Chaitanya Mahaprabhu went to the Temple of Jagannatha, Kashishvara, being very strong, cleared the crowds aside with his hands so that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu could pass untouched. (In the image: Ratha Yatra, Puri).

   CC Adi 10.142: When Chaitanya Mahaprabhu went to the Temple of Jagannatha, Kashishvara, being very strong, cleared the crowds aside with his hands so that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu could pass untouched.
   CC Adi 10.143: Ramai and Nandai, the twentieth and twenty-first among the important Devotees in Jagannatha Puri, always assisted Govinda twenty-four hours a day in rendering service to the Lord.
   CC Adi 10.144: Every day Ramai filled twenty-two big waterpots, whereas Nandai personally assisted Govinda.
    CC Antya 1.64: When they received the remnants of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's Prasadam through Govinda, they respected it, and then they both began to dance in ecstasy.
   CC Antya 4.50: Having said this, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu got up and left, and through Govinda He sent Prasadam for them to eat.
   CC Antya 4.121: Govinda gave Sanatana Gosvami the plate with the remnants of Lord Chaitanya's food. After taking the Prasadam, Sanatana Gosvami approached Lord Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
   CC Antya 6.206: I cannot properly express the affection of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu for His Devotees. Being merciful toward Raghunatha dasa, the Lord spoke as follows to Govinda.
   CC Antya 6.207: "On the way, Raghunatha dasa has fasted and undergone hardships for many days. Therefore, take good care of him for some days so that he may eat to his satisfaction."
   CC Antya 6.208: Then Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu told Raghunatha dasa, "Go bathe in the sea. Then see Lord Jagannatha in the Temple and return here to take your meal."
   CC Antya 6.209: After saying this, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu got up and went to perform His midday duties, and Raghunatha met all the Devotees present.
   CC Antya 6.210: Having seen the causeless mercy of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu upon Raghunatha dasa, all the Devotees, struck with wonder, praised his good fortune.
   CC Antya 6.211: Raghunatha dasa took his bath in the sea and saw Lord Jagannatha. Then he returned to Govinda, the personal servant of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
   CC Antya 6.212: Govinda offered him a plate with the remnants of food left by Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and Raghunatha dasa accepted the Prasadam with great happiness.
   CC Antya 6.213: Raghunatha dasa stayed under the care of Svarupa Damodara Goswami, and Govinda supplied him remnants of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's food for five days.
   CC Antya 8.52: After hearing this criticism, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was doubtful and apprehensive. Therefore He called Govinda and instructed him as follows.
   CC Antya 8.53: “From today on it will be a rule that I shall accept only one-fourth of a pot of Lord Jagannatha’s Prasadam and five gandas’ worth of vegetables.
   CC Antya 8.54: "If you bring any more than this, you will not see Me here anymore." 

CC Antya 8.60: Thus both Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Govinda ate only half the food they needed. Because of this, all the other Devotees gave up eating. (In the image: Ramachandra Puri chastising Lord Chaitanya seeing ants in His room...).

   CC Antya 8.55: Govinda relayed this message to all the Devotees. When they heard it, they felt as if their heads had been struck by thunderbolts.
   CC Antya 8.56: All the Devotees condemned Ramachandra Puri, saying, "This sinful man has come here and taken our lives."
   CC Antya 8.57-58: That day, a brahmana extended an invitation to Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. When Govinda accepted only five gandas’ worth of vegetables and a fourth of a pot of rice, the brahmana, in great despair, struck his head with his hand and cried, “Alas! Alas!”
   CC Antya 8.59: Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ate only half of the rice and vegetables, and whatever remained was taken by Govinda.
   CC Antya 8.60: Thus both Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Govinda ate only half the food they needed. Because of this, all the other Devotees gave up eating.
   CC Antya 8.61: Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ordered Govinda and Kashishvara, "You may both take alms elsewhere to fill your bellies."
   CC Antya 8.62: In this way, some days passed in great unhappiness. Hearing of all this, Ramachandra Puri went to Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
   CC Antya 10.55: Raghava Pandita delivered the bags of eatables to Govinda, who kept them in a corner of the dining room.
   CC Antya 10.56: Govinda thoroughly emptied the bags from the previous year and kept them in another room to fill them with other goods.
   CC Antya 10.82: Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu lay down at the door of the Gambhira, and Govinda came there to massage His legs.
   CC Antya 10.83-84: It was a steady, long-standing rule that Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu would lie down to rest after lunch and Govinda would come to massage His legs. Then Govinda would honor the remnants of food left by Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
   CC Antya 10.85: This time when the Lord lay down, He occupied the entire doorway. Govinda could not enter the room, and therefore he made the following request.
   CC Antya 10.86: Govinda said, "Kindly turn on one side. Let me pass to enter the room."However, the Lord replied, "I don't have the strength to move My body."
   CC Antya 10.87: Govinda made his request again and again, but the Lord replied, "I cannot move My body."
   CC Antya 10.88: Govinda repeatedly requested, "I want to massage Your legs."But the Lord said, "Do it or don't do it. It depends upon your mind."
   CC Antya 10.89: Then Govinda spread the Lord's wrapper over His body and in this way entered the room by crossing over the Lord.
   CC Antya 10.90: Govinda massaged the Lord's legs as usual. He pressed the Lord's waist and back very softly, and thus all the Lord's fatigue went away.
   CC Antya 10.91: As Govinda stroked His body, the Lord slept very nicely for about forty-five minutes, and then His sleep broke.
   CC Antya 10.92: When Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu saw Govinda sitting by His side, He was somewhat angry. "Why have you been sitting here for so long today?" the Lord asked.
   CC Antya 10.93: "Why didn't you go to take your meal after I fell asleep?" the Lord asked.Govinda replied, "You were lying down, blocking the door, and there was no way to go."
   CC Antya 10.94: The Lord asked, "How did you enter the room? Why didn't you go out to take your lunch in the same way?" 

CC Antya 10.96: "I would not mind committing hundreds and thousands of offenses for the service of the Lord, but I greatly fear committing even a glimpse of an offense for my own self." (In the image: Govinda serving to Lord Chaitanya).

   CC Antya 10.95: Govinda mentally replied, "My duty is to serve, even if I have to commit offenses or go to hell.
   CC Antya 10.96: "I would not mind committing hundreds and thousands of offenses for the service of the Lord, but I greatly fear committing even a glimpse of an offense for my own self."
   CC Antya 10.97: Thinking in this way, Govinda kept silent. He did not reply to the Lord's inquiry.
   CC Antya 10.98: It was Govinda's practice to go take lunch when the Lord was asleep. On that day, however, seeing the Lord's weariness, Govinda continued massaging His body.
   CC Antya 10.99: There was no way to go. How could he leave? When he thought of crossing over the Lord's body, he considered it a great offense.
   CC Antya 10.100: These are some of the finer points of etiquette in devotional service. Only one who has received the mercy of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu can understand these principles.
   CC Antya 10.101: The Lord is very interested in manifesting the exalted qualities of His Devotees, and that is why He engineered this incident.
   CC Antya 11.16: One day Govinda, the personal servant of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, went in great jubilation to deliver the remnants of Lord Jagannatha’s food to Haridasa Thakura.
   CC Antya 11.17: When Govinda came to Haridasa, he saw that Haridasa Thakura was lying on his back and chanting his rounds very slowly.
   CC Antya 11.18: “Please rise and take your Maha-prasadam,” Govinda said. Haridasa Thakura replied, “Today I shall observe fasting.
   CC Antya 11.19: "I have not finished chanting my regular number of rounds. How, then, can I eat? But you have brought Maha-prasadam, and how can I neglect it?"
   CC Antya 11.20: Saying this, he offered prayers to the Maha-prasadam, took a little portion, and ate it.
   CC Antya 12.37: When Shrikanta offered obeisances to the Lord, he was still wearing his shirt and coat. Therefore Govinda told him, "My dear Shrikanta, first take off these garments."
   CC Antya 12.38: As Govinda was warning Shrikanta, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Don't bother him. Let Shrikanta do whatever he likes, for he has come here in a distressed state of mind."
   CC Antya 13.5: Because He was very thin, when He lay down to rest on the dry bark of plantain trees, it caused Him pain in His bones.
   CC Antya 13.6: All the Devotees felt very unhappy to see Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in pain. Indeed, they could not tolerate it. Then Jagadananda Pandita devised a remedy.
   CC Antya 13.7: He acquired some fine cloth and colored it with red oxide. Then he filled it with cotton from a simula tree.
   CC Antya 13.8: In this way he made a quilt and a pillow, which he then gave to Govinda, saying, "Ask the Lord to lie on this."
   CC Antya 13.9: Jagadananda said to Svarupa Damodara Goswami, "Today please personally persuade Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to lie down on the bed."
   CC Antya 13.10: When it was time for the Lord to go to bed, Svarupa Damodara stayed nearby, but when Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu saw the quilt and pillow, He was immediately very angry.
   CC Antya 13.11: The Lord inquired from Govinda, “Who has made this?” When Govinda named Jagadananda Pandita, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was somewhat fearful.
   CC Antya 13.12: After asking Govinda to put aside the quilt and pillow, the Lord lay down on the dry plantain bark.
   CC Antya 13.82: Govinda ran very quickly behind the Lord, who did not feel any pain from the pricking of the thorns.
   CC Antya 13.83: Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was running very rapidly, and the girl was only a short distance away. Just then Govinda caught the Lord in his arms and cried, "It is a woman singing!"
   CC Antya 13.84: As soon as He heard the word "woman," the Lord became externally conscious and turned back.
   CC Antya 13.85: "My dear Govinda," He said, "you have saved My life. If I had touched the body of a woman, I would certainly have died.
   CC Antya 13.86: "I shall never be able to repay My debt to you."Govinda replied, "Lord Jagannatha has saved You. I am insignificant."
   CC Antya 13.87: Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu replied, "My dear Govinda, you should stay with Me always. There is danger anywhere and everywhere; therefore you should protect Me very carefully."
   CC Antya 13.104: The Lord asked Govinda to arrange for Raghunatha Bhatta’s accommodations and then introduced him to all the Devotees, headed by Svarupa Damodara Goswami.
   CC Antya 14.21: When Govinda saw that the Lord had not yet risen, he awakened Him. Understanding that He had only been dreaming, the Lord was somewhat unhappy.
   CC Antya 14.22: Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu performed His customary daily duties, and at the usual time He went to see Lord Jagannatha in the Temple.
   CC Antya 14.23: As He viewed Lord Jagannatha from behind the Garuda column, hundreds and thousands of people in front of Him were seeing the Deity. , do not forbid this woman to climb the Garuda-stambha. Let her see Lord Jagannatha to her satisfaction.” (In the image: Woman who rised to the shoudlers of Lord Chaitanya in order to see Lord Jagannath).”]Govinda
   CC Antya 14.24: Suddenly, a woman from Orissa, unable to see Lord Jagannatha because of the crowd, climbed the column of Garuda, placing her foot on Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s shoulder.
   CC Antya 14.25: When he saw this, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's personal servant, Govinda, hastily got her down from her position. Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, however, chastised him for this.
   CC Antya 14.26: Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said to Govinda, “O adi-vasya [uncivilized man], do not forbid this woman to climb the Garuda-stambha. Let her see Lord Jagannatha to her satisfaction.”
   CC Antya 16.40: Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu would regularly visit the Temple of Jagannatha every day, and at that time Govinda, His personal servant, used to carry His waterpot and go with Him.
   CC Antya 16.43: Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ordered His personal servant Govinda that no one should take the water that had washed His feet.
   CC Antya 16.55: Kalidasa was standing outside the door, expecting the remnants of food from Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Knowing this, Mahaprabhu gave an indication to Govinda.
   CC Antya 16.56: Govinda understood all the indications of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Therefore he immediately delivered the remnants of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's food to Kalidasa.
   CC Antya 16.92: Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu tasted a portion of the Prasadam. Govinda took the rest and bound it in the end of his wrapper.
   CC Antya 16.105: Following the indications of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Govinda brought the Prasadam of Lord Jagannatha. The Lord sent some to Paramananda Puri and Brahmananda Bharati.
   CC Antya 17.9: Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s personal servant, Govinda, lay down at the door of His room, and the Lord very loudly chanted the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra all night.
   CC Antya 17.13: Meanwhile, not hearing any sounds from Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Govinda immediately sent for Svarupa Damodara and opened the doors.
   CC Antya 19.56: After the Lord was made to lie down, Ramananda Raya returned home, and Svarupa Damodara and Govinda lay down at the door of the Gambhira.
   CC Antya 19.61: Lighting a lamp, Svarupa Damodara and Govinda entered the room. When they saw the Lord's face, they were filled with sorrow.
   Glory to Lord Chaitanya, the master of the doorkeeper Shri Govinda dasa! O Lord, please place Your glance of mercy on the conditioned souls. 

Glory to Lord Chaitanya, the master of the doorkeeper Shri Govinda dasa! O Lord, please place Your glance of mercy on the conditioned souls. (In the image: Lord Chaitanya and His associates).

Vijaya dasa Akhariya

A resident of Navadvipa, he belonged to the sakha of Lord Chaitanya.  He had beautiful handwriting, hence he was popularly known as "Akhariya" (copyist).  He copied several books for Lord Gauranga.  The Lord referred to him as "Ratnavahu".  In his past incarnation Vijayadasa was Kundanidhi (GGD. 103).  He was overwhelmed with ecstacy on the day in which Lord Gauranga revealed his spiritual opulence (CC. 1.10.65-66)
sri-vijaya-dasa-nama prabhura akhariya
prabhure aneka punthi diyache likhiya
(C.C. 1.10.65)
Sri Vijaya dasa, the twenty-seventh branch, another of the Lord’s chief singers, gave the Lord many books written by hand.
Srila Prabhupada writes in the purport: Formerly there were no printing presses or printed books. All books were handwritten. Precious books were kept in manuscript form in temples or other important places, and anyone who was interested in a book had to copy it by hand. Vijaya dasa was a professional writer who copied many manuscripts and gave them to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
‘ratnabahu’ bali’ prabhu thuila tanra nama
akiñcana prabhura priya krsnadasa-nama
(C.C. 1.10.66)
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu gave Vijaya dasa the name Ratnabahu [“jewel-handed”] because he copied many manuscripts for Him. The twenty-eighth branch was Krsnadasa, who was very dear to the Lord. He was known as Akiñcana Krsnadasa.

Vanamali Vipra

vanamali pandita sakha vikhyata jagate
sonara musala hala dekhila prabhura hate
(C.C. 1.10.73)
Vanamali Pandita, the thirty-fifth branch of the tree, was very celebrated in this world. He saw a golden club and plow in the hands of the Lord.
Vanamali Pandita saw Lord Caitanya in the ecstasy of Balarama. This is described vividly in the Caitanya-bhagavata, Antya-lila.
Vanamali Thakura was an incarnation of Sudama Brahmana, who was afflicted by great poverty and obtained great wealth from the Lord.
(Sri Gaura Ganoddesha Dipika by Kavi Karnapura)


Vanamali Brahmana Gets Mercy
(Caitanya Managala Madhya-khanda Chapter 7 by Locana Dasa Thakura)

All glories to Gadadhara, Gauranga and Narahari. One who hears the transcendental pastimes of Lord Visvambhara will easily attain love for Krishna. Now listen to a wonderful pastime that took place in Navadvipa.

One day Mahaprabhu sat in His home along with His intimate associates. His face beaming blissfully, the Lord was speaking nectarean words. Suddenly, a brahmana named Vanamali, arrived from East Bengal with his son. He was very happy to see the Lord and His devotees.

In a choked-up voice, Vanamali said to himself, "I became poor and lost my purity, so I've come here seeking the Lord's help. I'm sure that Visvambhara is none other than God Himself. By seeing Him, the abode of all transcendental knowledge, my heart is pacified and I've attained perfection. As one gets healthy by drinking nectar, similarly, my sufferings have vanished simply by seeing Lord Gauranga."

Lord Visvambhara looked compassionately upon the brahmana and his son. He sang the glories of Hari, and gave them the treasure of Krishna-prema. Vanamali and his son danced in ecstasy. Within a  moment, their suffering disappeared. Lord Gauranga is the ocean of mercy and the best friend of the poor.

The next day Gaura-nataraja [the king of dancers] danced exuberantly in the midst of His sankirtana party. Vanamali and his son became enchanted by a most extraordinary sight. Gauranga appeared as a beautiful young boy with a body the color of a monsoon cloud. The Lord was wearing bright yellow cloth, held a flute and had a peacock feather in his hair.

All of Gauranga's followers took forms as cowherd boys of Vraja. Vanamali also saw Radharani and Syamasundara in the topmost pleasure groves of Vrndavana. He saw Giriraja-Govardhana, the Yamuna River, Bahulavana, Bhandiravana, Madhuvana and other'places in Vrndavana. They saw the cows, gopas, gopis, Gopala and the desire trees. Seeing that Madana Gopala had now appeared in Navadvipa, Vanamali and his brahmana son succumbed to ecstasy, and fell flat on the earth.

Then Vanamali brahmana hiked up his dhoti and jumped around roaring, "Krishna! Krishna! Krishnal" Mahaprabhu stopped His captivating dance and had someone restrain the brahmana.

In this way, Lord Gauranga frees anyone from his karmic reactions, and gives him love of God. Gaurasundara is decorated with a celestial garland and sandalwood paste. He has no material attachments. Gaurahari is known as navavidhata- ratna, the ever-youthful, gem-like supreme controller. The Lord has nothing to do, yet He acts in the material world for the benefit of others. Gauranga freely distributes Krishnaprema to everyone.

Maladhara, who had formerly carried Lord Krsna's venu and murali flutes in Vrajabhumi, later appeared as Vanamala Pandita, who was very dear to Lord Caitanya.
(Sri Gaura Ganoddesha Dipika by Kavi Karnapura)

Vanamali Acarya

He lived in Navadvipa and negotiated Mahaprabhu's first marriage with Laksmi devi.  He was Visvamitra in Krishna lila.
The same person who appeared as Visvamitra Muni, who arranged the marriage of Lord Ramacandra, and who also appeared as the brahmana messenger sent by Srimati Rukmini-devi to Lord Kesava, also appeared in Lord Caitanya's pastimes as Vanamali Acarya, who was famous as a learned astrologer.
(Sri Gaura Ganoddesha Dipika by Kavi Karnapura)

The Matchmaker Vanamali
(Caitanya Managala Adi-khanda Chapter 3 by Locana Dasa Thakura)
One day Sacimata took Gaurahari by the hand and engaged Him in education. Giving Him to the panditas, Saci humbly requested, "O great ones, please instruct my son. Keep Him near You. Please shower Him with affection and treat Him just like your own son." 
Hearing this, the brahmanas, feeling a bit hesitant, replied humbly, "Today we have received a rare fortune. Sacimata, you have given us charge of the one who is loved by millions of  Sarasvatis, goddesses of learning. He will teach the whole world to chant the holy name, and give His love to everyone. Sacimata, you should know that we will definitely learn from Him." After leaving her son with the panditas, Sacidevi returned home.
Sometime later Visvambhara studied under Vishnu Pandita. Visvambhara, the guru of the universe, blessed Sudarsana and Gangadasa by also leaming from them. Accepting a human form, the Supreme Lord as Visvambhara studied and taught like an ordinary man. He did this to bless the people of the world.
One day in the tol [school] of Pandita Sudarsana, the Lord joked with His classmates. Smiling ever so sweetly, He humorously imitated the strange speech of the residents of East Bengal. Visvambhara's frolics pleased and enchanted everyone.
At another time, Visvambhara visited the asrama of Vanamali Acarya. The Lord offered respects to the venerable acarya. Standing up to receive the Lord, Vanamali took Visvambhara by the hand and walked outside to the road. They talked humorously together. 
Just then the daughter of Vallabhacarya was walking to the Ganges with her friends. The girl's beauty, qualities, and behavior were famous throughout the three worlds. 
Accidently, Visvambhara Hari glanced at her, and at that time He realized why He had appeared on this earth. Laksmi Thakurani, the daughter of Vallabhacarya, understood the same thing. In her mind she took the lotus feet of Visvambhara on her head.
Vanamali Acarya, fully understanding their minds, paid a visit to Sacimata a few days later. Vanamali offered respects to Sacimata, smiled, and said in a sweet voice, "There is a girl just suitable to marry your son. Her beauty, qualifies, and behavior are unequalled in the three worlds. She is the daughter of the illustrious Vallabhacarya. If you desire, please give your permission." 
Sacidevi replied, "My son is still a boy. Let Him continue studying for now. He has no father, so allow Him to grow up and mature a little."
Disappointed, Vanamali Acarya left abruptly. Outside on the road he wailed loudly, "Alas, Gauracandra' Vanamali lamented to himself, "O purifier of the fallen souls. You are known as a kalpa-taru, a wish-fulfilling tree. But why aren't You satisfying my desire? 
"All glories to You who delivered Draupadi from fear and harassment. All glories to You who rescued Gajendra from the jaws of the crocodile. All glories to You who delivered Ajamila from the prostitute. O father of the universe, now please give me Your mercy and save me!"
While attending school, Visvambhara became aware of Vanamali's distress. Visvambhara packed up His books, bade farewell to His guru and left the tol. He walked with the beautiful gait of a mad elephant. 
The ornaments on Gauranga's body were shining brightly. The universe became charmed by seeing His hair hanging in bunches 6f curly locks. Gaura's splendidly-colored lips defeated the hue of red Bandhull flowers. His dazzling white teeth looked like rows of pearls. Patches of fragrant sandalwood paste beautified His mind-enchanting form. Very fine white cloth was expertly and attractively wrapped around His graceful form. 
The Lord's transcendental beauty surpassed the captivating power of millions of Cupids. Indeed, Gauranga's delightful form is like Cupid,s net for ensnaring the innocent deer that are the hearts of the chaste girls of Nadia.
Visvambhara walked quickly down the road to meet Vanamali Acarya. Indeed, Visvambhara is a wish-fulfilling tree to satisfy the desires of His devotees. Seeing Visvambhara in the distance, Vanamali raised his hand and ran to meet the Lord while crying, "Ha! Alas !" Vanamali fell at Mahaprabhu's feet. The Lord smiled, quickly picked him up, and embraced him.
Visvambhara asked in a sweet voice, "Acarya, where have you been?" 
Vanamali replied, "Listen Visvambhara, Your mother is good natured, so I revealed my mind to her. I told her about a girl who is just suitable to be Your marriage partner. She's full of all good qualities and is the daughter of Vallabhacarya. She's the perfect match for You. But when I proposed this to Your mother, she didn't consider it important. So now I'm returning home."
The Lord listened silently, smiled slightly, and went home. Seeing Visvambhara's sweet smile, Vanamali became hopeful that the Lord would soon marry. He felt happy as he walked home.
At home Visvambhara asked His mother, "What did you say to Vanamali Acarya? He looked very morose when I just saw him on the road. I felt unhappy to see his sad face. What did you say to make him so upset?" 
Sacimata immediately understood the inner meaning of her son's words. She sent someone to quickly bring Vanamali Acarya. Overwhelmed with bliss, Vanamali ran to Sacidevi's house. He fell at her feet and in a faltering voice said, "Why have you called me?" 
Sacidevi said, "Carry out your previous proposal. To satisfy everyone I sanction Visvambhara's marriage. Your affection for Visvambhara is greater than mine. Now just make the necessary arrangements for His mardage."
Happily accepting Sacidevi's request, Vanamali Acarya ran to Vallabhacarya's house with the proposal. Vallabhacarya cordially welcomed the Acarya and said, "I am fortunate to see you. Please tell me why you have come." 
Vanamali said, "I have been drawn to your house because of your continual affection. Sri Visvambhara, the son of Jagannatha Misra, comes from an exalted brahmana family and possesses all good qualities and character. 
"Providence himself has decorated Visvambhara with all wonderful attributes. He is glorified throughout the three worlds. Therefore how is it possible for me to adequately describe Him? Visvambhara is definitely the perfect person to become your son-in-law. Now you decide."
Vallabhacarya said, "I'm very grateful to hear your proposal. Because I'm poor, however, I have nothing to give in charity except my beautiful daughter. If this is acceptable to you, then I am ready to offer my daughter in marriage to Visvambhara. The rsis, sages, ancestors and demigods will rejoice over this marriage. This marriage arrangement must be the result of my having peformed many austerities. You are my greatest friend. Although until now I didn't express it, you are fulfilling my deepest desire."
Vanamali went to Sacidevi's house to inform her about the conversation. Hearing about it and becoming pleased, Sacidevi gave her blessings to Vanamali. Saci's friends and relatives happily received the news, approved unanimously, and chanted "Very good ! Very good !"

Govinda Datta

   He belonged to the lineage of Lord Chaitanya. Govinda Datta was the principal singer in Lord Chaitanya's kirtana party (Cc 1.10.64).  He was one of the Devotees who took part in kirtana with Lord Chaitanya in front of the Ratha cart of Lord Jagannatha (Cc. 2.13.37,73).  According to Vasinavacaradarpana his Shripata was at Sukhchara on the bank of the Ganges in district Twenty-four Parganas, between Khaddaha and Panihati, where the Deities of Shri Shri Nitai Gauranga were installed by Govinda himself.  This Temple now lies within the precinct of the Devalaya owned by Mahendranatha Chattopadhyaya, who spent a considerable amount for the upkeep of the Temple and Deva-seva Govinda Datta spent the final stage of his life in Vrindavana.
prabhu-priya govindananda mahabhagavata
prabhura kirtaniya adi sri-govinda datta
(C.C. 1.10.64)
   Govindananda and Govinda Datta, the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth branches of the tree, were performers of kirtana in the company of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Govinda Datta was the principal singer in Lord Chaitanya’s kirtana party.
damodara, narayana, datta govinda
raghava pandita, ara sri-govindananda
(C.C. 2.13.37)
   The five who responded to the singing of Svarupa Damodara were Damodara Pandita, Narayana, Govinda Datta, Raghava Pandita and Shri Govindananda.
advaitere nrtya karibare ajña dila
srivasa—pradhana ara sampradaya kaila
(C.C. 2.13.38)
   Advaita Acharya Prabhu was ordered to dance in the first group. The Lord then formed another group with Shrivasa Thakura as the chief man.
   Shrila Prabhupada writes in the Purport: In the first group, Damodara Svarupa was appointed chief singer, and the responding singers were Damodara Pandita, Narayana, Govinda Datta, Raghava Pandita and Govindananda. Shri Advaita Acharya was appointed as a dancer. The next group was formed, and the chief singer was Shrivasa Thakura.
srivasa, ramai, raghu, govinda, mukunda
haridasa, govindananda, madhava, govinda
(C.C. 2.13.73)
   The Lord’s Devotees—including Shrivasa, Ramai, Raghu, Govinda, Mukunda, Haridasa, Govindananda, Madhava and Govinda—all combined together. 
Govinda Datta

Govindananda and Govinda Datta, the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth branches of the tree, were performers of kirtana in the company of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Govinda Datta was the principal singer in Lord Chaitanya’s kirtana party. (In the image: Sankirtana Movement).


prabhu-priya govindananda mahabhagavata
prabhura kirtaniya adi sri-govinda datta
(C.C. 1.10.64)
   Govindananda and Govinda Datta, the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth branches of the tree, were performers of kirtana in the company of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Govinda Datta was the principal singer in Lord Chaitanya’s kirtana party. 
   Shrila Prabhupada writes in purport: Govinda Datta appeared in the village of Shukhachara, near Khadadaha.
   The name Govindananda mentioned in  possibly refers to this Govinda Ghosh.
   Govindananda, who is always overcome with ecstatic love, and the memory of whom purifies the ten directions, came. (Chaitanya Bhagavat 3.8.16)

kalavati rasollasa gunatunga vraje sthitah

shri-vishakha-kritam gitam gayanti smadya ta matah

govinda-madhavananda-vasudeva yatha-kramam
   Govinda, Madhava and Vasudeva were three gopis in Vraja, namely Kalavati, Rasollasa and Gunatunga, who used to sing the songs composed by Vishakha.
   (Gaura-ganoddesha-dipika 188)
   All three brothers were singers famed for the sweetness of their voices. 

All three brothers were singers famed for the sweetness of their voices. (In the image: Sankirtana in Shrivas Thakur's house).

   The meritorious Madhava Ghosh devoted himself to kirtan. There was no singer on earth who was his equal. It was said of him that he was a singer from Vrindavan. He was most dear to Nityananda Prabhu. The three brothers, Govinda, Madhava and Vasudeva began to sing while Lord Nityananda danced.
   (Chaitanya Bhagavat 3.5.257-9)
   Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu danced to the kirtan of the three brothers, Govinda, Madhava and Vasudeva.
   (Chaitanya Bhagavat 1.15.115) 
   Shrila Govinda Ghosh Thakura is known for his most sweet kirtans at the annual Ratha-Yatra festival celebrated by Lord Chaitanya at Jagannatha Puri. 
   Govinda Ghosh participated in Mahaprabhu’s lilas in Shrivasa Angan, in the nagara-sankirtan to the Kazi’s house, and in the house of Raghava Pandit. During the Rathayatra festival, he was the lead singer in the fourth kirtan group, accompanied by his two brothers, Junior Hari Das, Vishnu Das and Raghava Pandit. Vakreshvara Pandit joined this group as the principal dancer.
   He was born in a Kayastha family in the north Radhi clan. His Shripata was at Agradwipa. Also known as Ghosha Thakura, Govinda was the brother of the well-known Vaishnava poet Vasudeva Ghosh. Govinda belonged to the lineage of Lord Chaitanya and was instrumental in installing the Deity Shri Gopinatha at Agradwipa.
govinda, madhava, vasudeva—tina bhai
yan-sabara kirtane nace caitanya-nitai
(CC. 1.10.115)
   The three brothers Govinda, Madhava and Vasudeva were the eighty-second, eighty-third and eighty-fourth branches of the tree. Lord Chaitanya and Nityananda used to dance in their kirtana performances.
The three brothers Govinda, Madhava and Vasudeva Ghosa all belonged to a kayasthafamily. Govinda established the Gopinatha Temple in Agradwipa, where he resided. 
prabhura ajñaya nityananda gaude calila
tanra sange tina-jana prabhu-ajñaya aila
(CC. 1.10.117)
   By the order of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, three Devotees accompanied Lord Nityananda Prabhu when He returned to Bengal to preach.
ramadasa, madhava, ara vasudeva ghosa
prabhu-sange rahe govinda paiya santosa
(CC. 1.10.118)
   These three were Ramadasa, Madhava Ghosha and Vasudeva Ghosha. Govinda Ghosha, however, remained with Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu at Jagannatha Puri and thus felt great satisfaction.

   Among the three brothers, each had his Shripata as follows:  Vasudeva at Tamluk, Madhava Ghosh at Dainhat, and Govinda at Agradwipa.  According to Visvakosa, Ghosha Thakura (Govinda) lived at Kashipur Vishnutala near Agradwipa.  Some believe that he was born at Vasinavatala where to this day a number of Kayastha families holding the surname Ghosh, continue to live. 

   Govinda accompanied Lord Chaitanya and His Devotees when they left Nilachala for Vrindavana.  In this context Achyutacharana Chaudhuri writes in Shrihattera Itivrtta:  "One day after finishing His lunch, Lord Chaitanya looked for some mouth-freshener (a fruit called Haritaki).  Govinda rushed to the village, collected some fruits,and offered one to the Lord.  Upon receiving the fruit so promptly, Lord Chaitanya glanced inquisitively after Govinda.  Understanding that Govinda had stored Haritaki, Lord Chaitanya admonished him saying, "Govinda, since you have not been able to give up the habit of saving things, perhaps you had better stay back and take charge of installing the Deity Gopinatha." Following the command of the Lord, Govinda continued to stay at Agradwipa.  However, despite the Lord's reassuring words, he felt miserable to have been left behind by Lord Chaitanya. 

"Look here Govinda! You have nothing to worry about anymore. Tomorrow one sculptor will come here to chisel a Deity from this shila and you should install that Deity. The Deity of Shri Gopinatha was thus installed. (In the image: Shri Shri Radha Gopinatha, Deity of Govinda Ghosh).

   Shrila Prabhupada writes (C.C. 2.24.280): It is not necessary for a Vaishnava to keep a stock of food for the next day. He should receive only sufficient grain to last one day. The next day, he must again depend on the Lord's mercy. This is the instruction of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. When His personal servant Govinda sometimes kept a stock of haritaki (myrobalan), Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu chastised him, saying, "Why did you keep a stock for the next day?" Shrila Rupa Goswami and others were begging daily from door to door for their sustenance, and they never attempted to stock their ashrama with food for the next day. We should not materially calculate, thinking, "It is better to stock food for a week. Why give the Lord trouble by having Him bring food daily?" One should be convinced that the Lord will provide daily. There is no need to stock food for the next day.
   A few days later, when Ghosha Thakura was taking a dip in the Ganges, some floating object touched his back.  It appeared to be some sort of wood, although considerably heavy. That night he received divine directions in a dream to preserve that piece of wood with care and to hand it over to Lord Chaitanya when he arrived there. During the night when Govinda went to fetch the wood, he realized that it was a Krishnashila.  The next morning Lord Chaitanya turned up in Govinda's house and said, "Look here Govinda!  You have nothing to worry about anymore.  Tomorrow one sculptor will come here to chisel a Deity from this shila and you should install that Deity.  The Deity of Shri Gopinatha was thus installed.
   Later, at the command of the Lord, Govinda married and continued to serve the Deity jointly with his wife.  Govinda was blessed with a son, however, both his wife and son passed away one after another.  Govinda was so deeply grieved by the loss of his family that he stopped serving Gopinatha.  Lord Krishna appeared to Govinda in a dream and asked him, "Govinda! Do you think it is proper that when a person loses one son he should starve his other son to death also?"
   To this Govinda replied, "It was my hope that I had my son survived he would have performed the necessary rituals in remembrance of my deceased soul and those of my forefathers.  Tell me, what do I gain by serving You?"
   Lord Krishna explained, "I hereby promise to celebrate your death anniversary in a fitting manner forever.  Now please can I have some food to eat?"  Govinda was delighted to hear this and immediately returning to serving Gopinatha.
   In course of time, when Govinda breathed his last, Gopinathaji held kusha grass in His fingers to perform the shradha ceremony, a practice continued even today.  Govinda left word during the last moments of his life that his body should not be cremated, but should be buried under the ground near Dolaprangana.
Two Songs Written by Govinda Ghosh
pranera mukunda he
ki aji shunilu acambite?
kahite parana jaya mukhe nahi bahiraya
shri gauranga chariibe navadvipa
ihato na jani mo rasakale milinun gora
avanata mathe ache basi
nijhare nayana jhare buka bahi dhara parie
malina haiyache mukha shashi
dekhite takhana prana sada kare ana cana
sudhaite nahi avasara
kshaneka sambita haila tabe mui nivedila
shuniya dilena e uttara
ami ta vivasha haiya tare kichu na kahiya
dhaiya ailun tuwa pasha
ei ta kahilun amije karite para tumi
mora nahi jivanera asha
shuniya mukunda kande hiya thira nahi bandhe
gadadharera vadana heriya
e govinda ghosha kaya iha jena nahi haya
tabe muïi jainu mariya
   Oh Mukunda! My life! What did I suddenly hear today? If I say it I will die… the words do not want to come out of my mouth. Gauranga is really going to leave Navadwip.
   We didn’t know this, but we saw Gora this morning; He was sitting with His head bowed in thought. Streams of tears flowed from His eyes and washed over His chest, and His moon-like face had lost its luster.
   When we saw Him like that, our own hearts fluttered and we could not ask Him anything. For a moment I regained consciousness and humbly asked Him the question and that is what He told me.
   Becoming disturbed, I ran here to you right away without saying anything further to Him. I have told you this and now do what you can. As far as we are concerned, I don’t think that we have any hope of continuing to live.
   When he heard this, Mukunda started to cry. He could no longer keep his calm as he looked at Gadadhara. Govinda Ghosh says, Let it not be, for if He leaves, I will die.
hede re nadiya vasi kara mukha cao
bahu pasariya goracande phirao
to sabare ke ara karibe nija kore
ke jaciya dibe prema dekhiya katare
ki shela hiyaya haya ki shel hiyaya
parana putali nabadvipa charii jaya
ara na jaiba mora gaurangera pasha
ara na kariba mora kirtana vilasa
kandaye bhakata-gana buka vidariya
pashana govinda ghosha na jaya miliya
Oh people of Navadwip, at whom are you staring?
Spread your arms to stop Gora, make Him come back!
Who is there now who will clasp you to His chest?
Who will come and beg you to take love of Krishna?
A shaft has pierced my heart! A shaft has pierced my heart!
The image of my life has abandoned Navadwip and gone.
No longer will we be able to go and sit with Gauranga;
no longer will we be able to enjoy kirtan the way we did.
All the Devotees are crying; their hearts are bursting
and, like a stone, Govinda Ghosh does not go to join them. 

The image of my life has abandoned Navadwip and gone. No longer will we be able to go and sit with Gauranga; no longer will we be able to enjoy kirtan the way we did. All the Devotees are crying; their hearts are bursting and, like a stone, Govinda Ghosh does not go to join them. (In the image: Ukraine Festival).

Ramadasa Brahmana

   One day during His tour in South India, Lord Chaitanya went to have darshana of Shri Ranganath in Siddhavata.  There He met a brahmana who invited Him to his house.  The brahmana was a Devotee of Shri Rama and continually chanted the name of Rama.  From his house, Lord Chaitanya went for darshana of Shri Skanda deva in Skanda kshetra and Shri Trivikrama deva, then again returned to the house of the brahmana in Siddhavata. This time He found that the brahmana was chanting the name of Krishna.  When Mahaprabhu asked the reason for this, the brahmana replied, "The Holy Name of Krishna has come to my lips after seeing You.  Now I know that You are Krishna Himself." Saying this he began to cry, holding the feet of the Lord, who showered His blessings upon him. 
Ramadasa Brahmana

CC Madhya 9.17: Upon seeing the Ahovala-Nrsimha Deity, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu offered many prayers unto the Lord. He then went to Siddhavata, where He saw the Deity of Ramachandra, the Lord of Sitadevi. (In the wallpaper: Background image Ahobilam Temple, in the left Ahobilam Narasimha, Lord Shri Vijaya Gauranga, ISKCON Hungary, New Vraja Dham).

   CC Madhya 9.17: Upon seeing the Ahovala-Nrsimha Deity, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu offered many prayers unto the Lord. He then went to Siddhavata, where He saw the Deity of Ramachandra, the Lord of Sitadevi.
   CC Madhya 9.18: Upon seeing the Deity of Lord Ramachandra, the descendant of King Raghu, the Lord offered His prayers and obeisances. Then a brahmana invited the Lord to take lunch.
   CC Madhya 9.19: That brahmana constantly chanted the Holy Name of Ramachandra. Indeed, but for chanting Lord Ramachandra’s Holy Name, that brahmana did not speak a word.
   CC Madhya 9.20: That day, Lord Chaitanya remained there and accepted Prasadam at his house. After bestowing mercy upon him in this way, the Lord proceeded ahead.
   CC Madhya 9.21: At the holy place known as Skanda-kshetra, Lord Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu visited the Temple of Skanda. From there He went to Trimatha, where He saw the Vishnu Deity Trivikrama. 
Ramadasa Brahmana

CC Madhya 9.21: At the holy place known as Skanda-kshetra, Lord Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu visited the Temple of Skanda. From there He went to Trimatha, where He saw the Vishnu Deity Trivikrama. (In the wallpaper: Trivikrama Vishnu and Trivikrama Temple).

   CC Madhya 9.22: After visiting the Temple of Trivikrama, the Lord returned to Siddhavata, where He again visited the house of the brahmana, who was now constantly chanting the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra.
   CC Madhya 9.23: After finishing His lunch there, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu asked the brahmana, “My dear friend, kindly tell Me what your position is now.
   CC Madhya 9.24: “Formerly you were constantly chanting the Holy Name of Lord Rama. Why are you now constantly chanting the Holy Name of Krishna?”
   CC Madhya 9.25: The brahmana replied, “This is all due to Your influence, Sir. After seeing You, I have lost my lifelong practice.
   CC Madhya 9.26: “From my childhood I have been chanting the Holy Name of Lord Ramachandra, but upon seeing You I chanted the Holy Name of Lord Krishna just once.
   CC Madhya 9.27: “Since then, the Holy Name of Krishna has been tightly fixed upon my tongue. Indeed, since I have been chanting the Holy Name of Krishna, the Holy Name of Lord Ramachandra has gone far away.
   CC Madhya 9.28: “From my childhood I have been collecting the glories of the Holy Name from revealed scriptures.
   CC Madhya 9.29: “The Supreme Absolute Truth is called Rama because the transcendentalists take pleasure in the unlimited true pleasure of spiritual existence.’
   CC Madhya 9.30: “‘The word “krish” is the attractive feature of the Lord’s existence, and “na” means spiritual pleasure. When the verb “krish” is added to the affix “na,” it becomes “Krishna,” which indicates the Absolute Truth.’
   CC Madhya 9.31: “As far as the Holy Names of Rama and Krishna are concerned, they are on an equal level, but for further advancement we receive some specific information from the revealed scriptures.
   CC Madhya 9.32: “[Lord Shiva addressed his wife, Durga:] ‘O Varanana, I chant the Holy Name of Rama, Rama, Rama and thus enjoy this beautiful sound. This Holy Name of Ramachandra is equal to one thousand Holy Names of Lord Vishnu.’
   CC Madhya 9.33: “The pious results derived from chanting the thousand Holy Names of Vishnu three times can be attained by only one utterance of the Holy Name of Krishna.’
   CC Madhya 9.34: “According to this statement of the sastras, the glories of the Holy Name of Krishna are unlimited. Still I could not chant His Holy Name. Please hear the reason for this.
   CC Madhya 9.35: "My worshipable Lord has been Lord Ramachandra, and by chanting His Holy Name I received happiness. Because I received such happiness, I chanted the Holy Name of Lord Rama day and night.
   CC Madhya 9.36: “By Your appearance, Lord Krishna’s Holy Name also appeared, and at that time the glories of Krishna’s name awoke in my heart.
   CC Madhya 9.37: “Sir, You are that Lord Krishna Himself. This is my conclusion.” Saying this, the brahmana fell down at the lotus feet of Shri Chahitanya Mahaprabhu.
   CC Madhya 9.38: After showing mercy to the brahmana, Lord Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu left the next day and arrived at Vrddhakashi, where He visited the Temple of Lord Shiva. 
Ramadasa Brahmana

CC Madhya 9.30: “‘The word “krish” is the attractive feature of the Lord’s existence, and “na” means spiritual pleasure. When the verb “krish” is added to the affix “na,” it becomes “Krishna,” which indicates the Absolute Truth.’