Category Archives: Gaudiya Vaishnav Biographies

Ramadasa Vipra

Ramadasa Vipra

CC Madhya 9.179: The brahmana who met Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu invited the Lord to his home. This brahmana was a great Devotee and an authority on Lord Shri Ramachandra. He was always detached from material activities. (In the image: Lord Shri Rama, ISKCON Juhu, Mumbai).

   When Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was touring South India, He went to West Mathura (Madura) from Kamakosthi.  At that time, this brahmana Devotee, Ramadasa, invited the Lord to his home. Though when the Lord came, Ramadasa was so absorbed in chanting the name of Rama that he totally forgot to cook for Mahaprabhu.  
   Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu finished His noon duties and upon finding that nothing had been cooked, inquired from the brahmana.  In an ecstatic mood Ramadasa replied, "My Prabhu is living in the forest, where will He get items for cooking?  If Lakshmana brings fruits and vegetables collected from the forest, then Sita can cook something for Prabhu (CC. 2.9.183-196)."  Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was very happy to observe the ecstacy of the brahmana, but when Ramadasa regained his external senses, he was very ashamed that he had not cooked for the Lord.  He hastily prepared some food and fed the Lord, but he himself took nothing.  When Mahaprabhu told him to eat something, the brahmana replied, "There is no reason for me to maintain my life.  I shall give up my life by entering into fire.  Sita is Mahalakshmi and the mother of the universe, yet the demons touched her and I cannot bear to hear this."  Understanding the brahmana's sorrow Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu explained, "Do not think like this, you are supposed to be a learned man.  Don't you know that Sita is the eternal consort of the Supreme Lord Shri Ramachandra?  There is no power in this world which is able to touch her.  It was only the maya (false) feature of Sita which the demons touched."  Ramadasa was greatly relieved to hear this and at last took his meal.
   CC Madhya 9.178: When Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu arrived at southern Mathura from Kamakosthi, He met a brahmana.
   CC Madhya 9.179: The brahmana who met Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu invited the Lord to his home. This brahmana was a great Devotee and an authority on Lord Shri Ramachandra. He was always detached from material activities.
   CC Madhya 9.180: After bathing in the river Krtamala, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu went to the brahmana’s house to take lunch, but He saw that the food was unprepared because the brahmana had not cooked it.
   CC Madhya 9.181: Seeing this, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said, “My dear sir, please tell Me why you have not cooked. It is already noon.”
   CC Madhya 9.182: The brāhmaṇa replied, “My dear Lord, we are living in the forest. For the time being we cannot get all the ingredients for cooking.
   CC Madhya 9.183: “When Lakshmana brings all the vegetables, fruits and roots from the forest, Sita will do the necessary cooking.”
   CC Madhya 9.184: Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was very satisfied to hear about the brahmana’s method of worship. Finally the brahmana hastily made arrangements for cooking. 
Ramadasa Vipra

CC Madhya 9.183: “When Lakshmana brings all the vegetables, fruits and roots from the forest, Sita will do the necessary cooking.” (In the wallpaper: Shrimati Sita Devi, ISKCON Juhu, Mumbai).

   CC Madhya 9.185: Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu took His lunch at about three o’clock, but the brahmana, being very sorrowful, fasted.
   CC Madhya 9.186: While the brahmana was fasting, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu asked him, “Why are you fasting? Why are you so unhappy? Why are you so worried?”
   CC Madhya 9.187: The brahmana replied, “I have no reason to live. I shall give up my life by entering either fire or water.
   CC Madhya 9.188: “My dear Sir, mother Sita is the mother of the universe and the Supreme Goddess of fortune. She has been touched by the demon Ravana, and I am troubled upon hearing this news.
   CC Madhya 9.189: “Sir, due to my unhappiness I cannot continue living. Although my body is burning, my life is not leaving.”
   CC Madhya 9.190: Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu replied, “Please do not think this way any longer. You are a learned pandita. Why don’t you consider the case?”
   CC Madhya 9.191: Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu continued, “Sita Devi, the dearmost wife of the Supreme Lord Ramachandra, certainly has a spiritual form full of bliss. No one can see her with material eyes, for no materialist has such power.
   CC Madhya 9.192: “To say nothing of touching mother Sita, a person with material senses cannot even see her. When Ravana kidnapped her, he kidnapped only her material, illusory form.
   CC Madhya 9.193: “As soon as Ravana arrived before Sita, she disappeared. Then just to cheat Ravana she sent an illusory, material form.
   CC Madhya 9.194: “Spiritual substance is never within the jurisdiction of the material conception. This is always the verdict of the Vedas and Puranas.”
   CC Madhya 9.195: Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu then assured the brahmana, “Have faith in My words and do not burden your mind any longer with this misconception.”
   CC Madhya 9.196: Although the brahmana was fasting, he had faith in the words of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and accepted food. In this way his life was saved.
   CC Madhya 9.197: After thus assuring the brahmana, Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu proceeded further into southern India and finally arrived at Durvasana, where He bathed in the river Krtamala. 
Ramadasa Vipra

“Sita Devi, the dearmost wife of the Supreme Lord Ramachandra, certainly has a spiritual form full of bliss. No one can see her with material eyes, for no materialist has such power. CC Madhya 9.192: “To say nothing of touching mother Sita, a person with material senses cannot even see her. When Ravana kidnapped her, he kidnapped only her material, illusory form. CC Madhya 9.193: “As soon as Ravana arrived before Sita, she disappeared. Then just to cheat Ravana she sent an illusory, material form. CC Madhya 9.194: “Spiritual substance is never within the jurisdiction of the material conception. This is always the verdict of the Vedas and Puranas.” ( In the wallpaper: Shrimati Sita Devi, ISKCON Juhu, Mumbai).

Ramadasa Bishvas

   He was a Kayastha by caste and employed by the government. He was also a lecturer on Kavya Prakasha.  When Tapan Mishra's son, Raghunatha Bhatta, and his attendant, were on the way to meet Lord Chaitanya, they met Ramadasa Bishvas along the way. Ramadasa was a Devotee of Rama and a great scholar, who was deeply attracted to Vaishnavism.  Ramadasa bowed down to Shri Raghunatha Bhatta and offered his obeisances. After meeting Raghunatha Bhatta, Ramadasa began to serve him with devotion, which embarrassed Raghunatha. He took the basket from the servant and carried it on his head. Raghunatha protested, "What are you doing?  You are a learned man."  Ramadasa replied, "Respected Bhatta, I am a low-born shudra.  By serving a brahmana I can earn religious merit." Shri Raghunatha insisted, "Panditji, please, I request you to hand the basket over to the servant."  But still Shri Ramadasa carried the basket.  In the course of their journey they discussed various subject matters related to scriptures and at last arrived at Puri.
   When they finally arrived at Nilachala, Raghunatha spoke to Lord Chaitanya about Ramadasa.  But the omniscient Lord did not shower His grace upon Ramadasa immediately as He knew that within his heart Ramadasa still possessed some vanity due to his learning.  Ramadasa then settled at Puri and taught the sons of Pattanayaka "Kavyaprakash." 
Ramadasa Bishvas

Ramadasa was a Devotee of Rama and a great scholar, who was deeply attracted to Vaishnavism. (In the image: Lord Shri Rama).

Vaninatha Pattanayaka

Vaninatha Raya, Nayaka or Pattanayaka was one of the five sons of Bhavananda Raya. Ramananda Raya was his eldest brother. Bhavananda Raya offered his son Vaninatha Raya at the feet of Lord Chaitanya and thereafter Vaninatha stayed constantly with the Lord. In Krishna lila he was one of the pandavas.
tabe mahaprabhu tanre ghare pathaila
vaninatha-pattanayake nikate rakhila
(CC. 2.10.61)
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then sent Bhavananda Raya back to his home, and He kept only Vaninatha Pattanayaka in His personal service.
saksat pandu tumi, tomara patni kunti
pañca-pandava tomara pañca-putra maha-mati
(CC. 2.10.53)
“You are Maharaja Pandu himself, and your wife is Kuntidevi herself. All your highly intellectual sons are representatives of the five Pandavas.”

alingana kari’ tanre balila vacana
tumi pandu, pañca-pandava—tomara nandana
(CC. 1.10.132)
Embracing Raya Bhavananda, the Lord declared to him, “You formerly appeared as Pandu, and your five sons appeared as the five Pandavas.”

ramananda raya, pattanayaka gopinatha
kalanidhi, sudhanidhi, nayaka vaninatha
(CC. 1.10.133)
The five sons of Bhavananda Raya were Ramananda Raya, Pattanayaka Gopinatha, Kalanidhi, Sudhanidhi and Nayaka Vaninatha.
ei panca putra tomara mora priyapatra
ramananda saha mora deha-bheda matra
(CC. 1.10.134)
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu told Bhavananda Raya, “Your five sons are all My dear devotees. Ramananda Raya and I are one, although our bodies are different.”
In Caitanya Caritamrta, Antya Lila,  Chapter 9: The Deliverance of Gopinatha Pattanayaka there is a description of how Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu saved Gopinatha Pattanayaka, the younger brother of Ramananda Raya, from being condemned to death by the King. Gopinatha Pattanayaka was imprisoned along with his younger brother Vaninatha Pattanayaka. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was asking about Vaninatha Pattanayaka's condition in the prison. However, the internal reason is that he wanted to glorify Vaninatha Pattanayaka's Krishna consciousness.
etha prabhu sei manusyere prasna kaila
“vaninatha ki kare, yabe bandhiya anila?”
(CC. 3.9.55)
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu inquired from the messenger, “What was Vaninatha doing when he was arrested and brought there?”
se kahe—“vaninatha nirbhaye laya krsna-nama
'hare krsna, hare krsna’ kahe avisrama
(CC. 3.9.56)
The messenger replied, “He was fearlessly, incessantly chanting the maha-mantra—Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.
ankhya lagi’ dui-hate angulite lekha
sahasradi purna haile, ange kate rekha“
(CC. 3.9.57)
“He counted the chants on the fingers of both hands, and after he had finished chanting one thousand times, he would make a mark on his body.”
suni’ mahaprabhu ha-ila parama ananda
ke bujhite pare gaurera krpa-chanda-bandha?
(CC. 3.9.58)
Hearing this news, the Lord was very pleased. Who can understand the mercy of the Lord upon His devotee?

Vaninatha Bipra

jagannatha tirtha, vipra sri-janakinatha
gopala acarya, ara vipra vaninatha
(C.C. Adi 10.114)

The seventy-eighth branch of the original tree was Jagannatha Tirtha, the seventy-ninth was the brahmana Sri Janakinatha, the eightieth was Gopala Acarya, and the eighty-first was the brahmana Vaninatha.
Vaninatha Vipra or Dvija Vaninath was a resident of Canpahati, a village in the district of Burdwan near the town of Navadvipa, the police station of Purvasthali and the post office of Samudragada. The temple there was very much neglected, but it was renovated in the Bengali year 1328 [A.D. 1921] by Sri ParamanandaBrahmacari [one of Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura's disciples], who reorganized the seva-puja (worship in the temple) and placed the temple under the management of the Sri Caitanya Matha of Sri Mayapur. In the temple as it now exists, the Deity of Sri Gaura-Gadadhara is worshiped strictly according to the principles of the revealed scriptures. Canpahati is two miles away from both Samudragarh and the Navadvipa station of the eastern railway.
The Deities in this temple, Gaura-Gadadhara, were worshipped by Vaninath Pandita, Gadadhara Pandita’s brother, 500 years ago, while Lord Caitanya and Gadadhara were still on the planet. The Deities are very large and both of them stand with palms outstretched. 
Champahatti is located in the south-west section of Shri Koladwip. The previous name of this place was Champakahatta.  This place is named after the campaka trees that grow profusely in this area. There was once a campaka forest at this place. Champahatti means “place of the Champa.” Hatti means “place.”
Campakalata Sakhi comes here daily to pick flowers and then strings garlands from campaka flowers and offers them to Radha and Krishna. The Manasi Ganga River used to flow here, but it cannot be seen now. It used to separate Koladvipa from Ritudvipa. In Braja, Manasi Ganga is a large lake in the middle of Govardhana and here it is seen as a river.
In Satya yuga, one very old brahmana used to live here surrounded by a big garden of champaka flowers. This old brahmana used to worship the Deities of Shri Shri Radha Govinda with those champaka flowers. Being pleased with the sincere worship of this brahmana, Lord Krishna gave him His darshan in His form as Lord Gauranga, who has the bodily hue of a fresh champaka flower. The old brahmana wa astonished when he saw Lord Gauranga's effulgent form. At that time Lord Gauranga informed him that He would manifest Himself in Kali-yuga and distribute Krishna nama and Krishna prema. He further said that the brahmana would also take birth at the same time and would witness His munificent pastimes. 
In Krishna lila, this brahmana was Kamalaka sakhi. Being blessed by the Lord, he appeared in Gaura lila as the younger brother of Shri Gadadhara Pandit and was called Dvija Vaninath. The Deities of Gaura Gadadhara in the temple here were worshiped by him 500 years ago. Shrila Saraswati Thakur established Shri Gaura Gadadhara Gaudiya Math in this place.Champahatti is also famous as the place where Jayadeva Goswami composed the poem Gita Govinda, part of which has been made famous around the world whenever Narasinghadeva is glorified.

Nityananda Prabhu along with his sankirtan party while on parikrama took rest at Vaninatha's house in Champahatti. He stayed at night at Vaninatha's house. Vaninatha and his family attended nicely to Nityananda Prabhu. When night lifted, the devotees raised their bodies and called out “Nitai Gaura!” Then, leaving Campahatta behind them, they blissfully went on. From this point, Vaninatha accompanied Nityananda, saying, “When will that day come when I shall have the pleasure to accompany Nityananda on parikrama to Gauranga's house in Mayapur ?”
The Lord and His associates performed a great festival of nama-sankirtana at Vaninatha's house. Gauranga showed the glories of His prema in that house.
This place is nondifferent from Khadiravana of Vraja, where Krishna and Balarama take rest.
Jayadeva Gosvami wrote Gita-govinda nearby in Champahatti  in 12th century AD. 

Bhagavan Pandita

prabhura atipriya dasa bhagavan pandita
yanra dehe krsna purve haila adhisthita
The thirtieth branch was Bhagavan Pandita. He was an extremely dear servant of the Lord, but even previously he was a great Devotee of Lord Krishna who always kept the Lord within his heart.
(Cc. 1.10.69)

Hiranya Pandita

Hiranya Pandita

Regarding Hiranya Pandita, it is said that once when Lord Nityananda, decorated with valuable jewels, was staying at his home, all night long a great thief attempted to plunder these jewels but was unsuccessful. Later he came to Nityananda Prabhu and surrendered unto Him. (C.C. Adi 10.70) (In the image: Shri Nityananda Prabhu, ISKCON Chowpatty, Mumbai).

   Hiranya Mahasaya was one of the most humble Devotees of the Lord. He was devout brahmana of Navadwipa and a great renunciate. His house was in a lonely place in Navadwipa.
   Lord Chaitanya in His childhood had bestowed causeless on Hiranya Mahasaya. 
   (C.C. Adi 10.70)
   Regarding Hiranya Pandita, it is said that once when Lord Nityananda, decorated with valuable jewels, was staying at his home, all night long a great thief attempted to plunder these jewels but was unsuccessful. Later he came to Nityananda Prabhu and surrendered unto Him.
   (C.C. Adi 10.70)
   There was a pious brahmana called Hiranya Pandita who lived in Navadwipa. He was a most humble Devotee of the Lord. Shri Nityananda Prabhu stayed at the house of this fortunate soul since his house was in a lonely place.
   (Lord Nityananda delivers the gang of thieves at the house of Hiranya Pandita from Antya Khanda of Nityananda Charitamrita)
   In his past incarnation he was Yajnapatni of Vraja (Gauraganoddesadipika 192).
   The episode of Lord Gauranga eating naivedya offered to the Deity took place in Hiranya's house.
   "Another story narrated here is how the Lord ate all the food offered to Vishnu in the house of Jagadisa and Hiranya on Ekadashi day."
   (Caitanya Bhagavat Adi Lila Chapter One)
   Other sources inform that this Hiranya Pandita had two other brothers named Jagadisha and Mahesha Pandita. He is the thirty-second branch of Chaitanya tree.

Hridaya Chaitanya

   Shri Gauridas Pandit's dearmost disciple was Shri Hridaya Chaitanya. Gauri Das was Subala in Krishna-lila.
   Once  around the time of the appearance day of Shri Gauranga, Gauridasa went to the house of one of his disciples.  At that time, he entrusted the service of Shri Gaura and Nityananda in the care of Hridaya Chaitanya. Hridaya Chaitanya, in great ecstasy, rendered service to those Deities.  The festival of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's appearance day drew near. When only three days remained before the big festival that was to take place, Gauridas Pandita still had not returned. Hridaya Chaitanya became very worried.  Acting on his own, he arranged  to send a written message to the different Devotees and disciples inviting them to the festival that would soon be held. Just at that time, Gauridasa Pandita arrived at his ashram.  Hridaya Chaitanya told his guru about how he had sent out invitations of his own, worried that Gauridasa Pandit would not return in time to do so. Although Gauridasa Pandit was internally very happy, externally he showed himself to be very angry with Hridaya Chaitanya's acting independently.
Hridaya Chaitanya

Shri Gauridas Pandit's dearmost disciple was Shri Hridaya Chaitanya. Gauri Das was Subala in Krishna-lila. (In the image: Sakha Subal).

   Gauridasa scolded his disciple, saying, "In my presence you are acting independently, sending invitations here and there as you please and summoning my disciples at your will. This cannot go on. You cannot stay here."
   Hearing this, Hridaya Chaitanya fell at the feet of his guru and offered his pranams. He went to stay under a tree on the banks of the Ganges. A short time later a rich merchant came by on a boat and gave a large donation to Hridaya Chaitanya, saying, "Give this to your guru, Gauridas Pandit." After he went to Gauridasa and gave him the donation,  Hridaya Chaitanya was told by his guru to hold a big festival on the banks of the Ganges.  Taking the order of his guru on his head, Hridaya Chaitanya began a big festival on the banks of the Ganges. Gradually all the Vaishnavas in the surrounding areas began to assemble there. Taking those great souls with him, Hridaya Chaitanya began a wonderful and super excellent performance of dancing and chanting the Holy Name.  In the midst of this kirtan Gaura and Nityananda Themselves appeared, singing and dancing.  Hridaya Chaitanya saw it with his own eyes. In this way Gauridasa Pandita arranged for a great festival to be held. Ganga Dasa Pandit, entered the Temple he saw that Gaura and Nityananda were not on the simhasana, the Deity throne on the altar.  He went immediately to Gauridas Pandit to report this incident. The pujari could understand that to increase the prema of Hridaya Chaitanya, Gaura and Nityananda had gone off and joined the kirtan. Seeing the amazement of his pujari, Gauridasa Pandit smiled sweetly. Then, to stop the two brothers from getting away, he took a club in his hand and went off to the banks of the Ganges to the place where Gaura and Nityananda had joined in the great kirtan that was going on there. He soon arrived at the banks of the Ganges where the kirtan was going on. He could see the two brothers dancing in ecstasy. But when the two brothers, Gaura and Nityananda saw the angry mood of Gauridas Pandita, they became invisible. 
Hridaya Chaitanya

Gradually all the Vaishnavas in the surrounding areas began to assemble there. Taking those great souls with him, Hridaya Chaitanya began a wonderful and super excellent performance of dancing and chanting the Holy Name. In the midst of this kirtan Gaura and Nityananda Themselves appeared, singing and dancing. Hridaya Chaitanya saw it with his own eyes. In this way Gauridasa Pandita arranged for a great festival to be held. (In the wallpaper: Woodstock Festival).

   Shri Gauridas Pandit could see that Gaura and Nityananda had entered into the temple of Hridaya Chaitanya's heart. Beholding this in great wonder and ecstasy, Gauridasa Pandit could not hold himself back—he began crying tears of ecstasy. He forgot his external show of anger at the two brothers, and holding his disicple Shri Hridaya Chaitanya Prabhu in his arms, he said, "You are truly fortunate. From today on your name will be will be  "Hridaya Chaitanya:" one who has Shri Chaitanya within his heart.  He drenched Hridaya Chaitanya Prabhu with the water of his tears.
   In great humility and overwhelmed with Krishna-prema, Shri Hridaya Chaitanya fell at the feet of Shri Gauridasa Pandit. After this, Gauridasa took Hridaya Chaitanya back to his house where they danced and chanted in the courtyard in the ecstasy of sankirtan. The Devotees filled the ten directions with the loud chanting of "Hari! Hari!"  In this way the great festival of the appearance day of Shri Gauranga came to a close. After this, Shri Gauridasa Pandita blessed Shri Hridaya Chaitanya with the adhikara or qualifications for divine seva. 
Hridaya Chaitanya

Hridaya Chaitanya's most important disciple was Shri Shyamananda Prabhu. Shri Shyamananda Prabhu was a servant of a servant of Subala in Krishna-lila. (in the image: Shri Shyamananda Pandit).

   On the Shukla Ekadashi in the month of Shravana, Shri Gauridasa Pandita passed away from this earth and entered into the eternal unmanifest pastimes of Shri Gauranga and Nityananda.  His most important disciple was Hridaya Chaitanya, whose most important disciple was Shri Shyamananda prabhu. Shri Narahari Chakravarti Thakura records all the history of Gauri Das Pandit's life and extols his glories in the seventh taranga or wave of his book, Bhakti-Ratnakara.
   Hridaya Chaitanya's most important disciple was Shri Shyamananda Prabhu. Shri Shyamananda Prabhu was a servant of a servant of Subala in Krishna-lila.
yam loka bhuvi kirtayanti hridayanandasya shishyam priyam
sakhye shri-subalasya yam bhagavatah preshthanushishyam tatha
sa shriman rasikendra-mastaka-manish citte mamaharnisham
shri-radhapriya-narma-marmasu rucim sampadayan bhasatam
   Shri Shyamananda was known in this world as Hridayananda’s dear disciple; he was the grand-disciple of Subala sakha, the most dear friend of the Supreme Lord; he was the crest-jewel of the enjoyers of sacred rapture. May he appear day and night in my mind, bringing an appreciation for the essence of the joys of the beloved of Shri Radha.

Shubhananada Dvija

Shubhananda Dvija

The foam that fell from the mouth of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was taken and drunk by Subhananda because he was very fortunate and expert in relishing the mellow of ecstatic love of Krishna. (CC. Madhya 13.110). (In the images: Lord Chaitanya and His associates).

   He belonged to the spiritual lineage of Lord Chaitanya. (CC. 2.13.38, 1.10.110).
   He is the fifty-sixth branch of Chaitanya tree. Subhananda, who formerly lived in Vrindavana as Malati, was one of the kirtana performers who danced in front of the Ratha-yatra car during the Jagannatha festival. It is said that he ate the foam that came out of the mouth of the Lord while He danced before the Ratha-yatra car. (CC. Adi 10.110).
   In his past incarnation he was Malati. (GGD. 194, 199).
sei phena laña subhananda kaila pana
krsna-prema-rasika tenho maha-bhagyavan
   The foam that fell from the mouth of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was taken and drunk by Subhananda because he was very fortunate and expert in relishing the mellow of ecstatic love of Krishna. (CC. Madhya 13.110).
   He was also present at the Kheturi festival.

Jagannatha Tirtha

   He belonged to Chaitanya-sakha.
   (CC. 1.10.114)
   He was Jayanteya, one of the nine Yogindras, in his past incarnation.
   (Gaurganoddeshadipika 98-100)
   98-101. The nine Jayanteyas, who were fixed in celibacy and equal vision, and who spoke the Shri Bhagavata-samhita to Janaka Rshi, appeared on this earth as nine sannyasis, and continually performed pastimes with Lord Chaitanya. Their names were: Shri Nrsimhananda Tirtha, Shri Satyananda Bharati, Shri Nrsimha Tirtha, Shri Chidananda Tirtha, Shri Jagannatha Tirtha, Shri Vasudeva Tirtha, Shri Rama Tirtha, Shri Purushottama Tirtha, and Shri Garuda Avadhuta, who was also known as Shri Gopendra Ashrama.

Shrinatha Pandita

   Shrinatha Pandita is a disciple of Advaita Acharya. He had a famous disciple – Kavi Karnapura. the author of  Gaura-ganoddesha-dipika.  Kavi Karnapura (also called Paramananda Sena or Puri Dasa) was born in 1524 AD as the son of Shivananda Sena. 
   In the beginning of Shri Ananda Vrindavana Champu, Kavi Karnapura has offered prayers to his guru:
   “I offer my humble respects to Shrinatha, my guru, who appeared in a brahmana family like the moon rising from the ocean. Being the object of Mahaprabhu’s love, he was the crest-jewel of the earth. Whoever tasted the pure hari-katha flowing form his mouth immediately lost all attachments to worldly pleasures, and desired only to serve Radha and Krishna in Vrindavana.”
   Shri Natha Pandita resided at Kancha Para, one and a half miles from Kumar Hatta. His Deity of Shri Krishna Raya is still residing there.