Category Archives: Videos

Lokanatha Goswami – Video

A personal associate of Lord Gauranga, fully absorbed in pure love, Shri Lokanatha Goswami was the eldest of the Goswamis living in Vraja-bhumi. He shunned name and fame so much that he asked Krishna Dasa Kaviraja to keep his name out of Chaitanya-charitamrta.

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Kali Das – Video

Mahaprabhu’s Devotee Kali Das was born in a kayastha family. His home was in the village of Bheda or Bhaduwa in Hoogly district. This village is about three miles south of Raghunatha Das Goswami’s birthplace in Saptagram Krishnapura and one mile west of the present-day Bandel Junction train station. Jharu Thakur, who was born in a sweeper caste (bhuni-mali), lived in the same village. These places are served by the Devanandapura post office. Kali Das’s Deities used to be worshiped in Shankhanagara village, but they have since been moved to Triveni. Jharu Thakur’s Deity was named Madana Gopal and is still being worshiped in Bhaduwa.

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Kurma Vipra – Video

When Mahaprabhu decided to deliver the people of the South, He left Puri on the pretext of going on pilgrimage in the month of Vaishakh. At Nityananda Prabhu’s request, He accepted Krishnadas Vipra as a servant. Distributing prema to all as He passed, He arrived in the place known as Kurmasthana where He bestowed His blessings on the Vedic Brahmin also named Kurma.

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Kholavecha Shridhara – Video

Although poor, living in a broken down hut with holes in the roof, and drinking water from a cracked iron pot, Shridhar a Pandit (Kholavecha Shridhara) had the fortune of Mahaprabhu’s affection. He would stay up at night chanting Hare Krishna. The neighbors thought because of poverty he had hunger pains and couldn’t sleep. Everyday Nimai Pandit would buy banana-fruits, roots, stalks, flowers; gourds, and pumpkins from Kholavecha Shridhara. A sweet love quarrel would ensue because Nimai paid only half the quoted price.

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Kashishvara Pandit – Video

Shri Ishvara Puri sent his disciples, Govinda and Kashishvara Pandit, to Jagannatha Puri to humbly serve Lord Chaitanya. Reluctant to accept service from His Godbrothers, Shri Chaitanya finally agreed since it was His guru’s wish. Named Kalavati and Sasirekha in Vraja lila, Govinda and Kashishvara bring Yamuna water to Lord Shri Krishna. Kashishvara Pandit, who was strong and powerfully built, used to walk before Lord Chaitanya keeping the crowds from touching Him. And after kirtans he would serve Prasadam to all the Devotees.

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Kamalakara Pippalai – Video

Kamalakara Pippalai, one of the dvadasha gopalas, was known to the world as a miracle of love of God. Appreciating his enthusiasm for preaching, Lord Nityananda made him the “sankirtana leader” of the Saptagrama preaching center.” (Chaitanya-charitamrta) He is Mahabala sakha in Krishna-Balarama’s Vrindavana pastimes. His samadhi is in the 64 Samadhis Area.

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Kaliya Krishna Dasa – Video

Kaliya Krishna Dasa knew nothing but the lotus feet of Nitai.His birthplace is in the Bardhaman (Burdwan) district of West Bengal within a short distance from the Railway station at Katwa, at the village called Akai Hatta. This village is situated on the old king’s road between Navadwipa and Katwa. Akai Hatta is a very small village.

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Jahnava Mata – Video

Shri Nityananda’s two wives, Shri Vasudha and Shri Jahnava Devi, are expansions of Lord Balarama’s eternal consorts Varuni and Revati. Ma Jahnava, an affectionate name given by the Devotees, traveled throughout Gaura and Vraja mandalas. Wherever she went the Gaura bhaktas happily greeted and served her. Known as Nityananda-svarupini, Jahnava Devi overflowed with prema bhakti. She delivered many atheists and sinners by her compassionate preaching.

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Jagannatha Dasa Babaji – Video

Shrila Jagannatha Dasa Babaji Maharaja lived for one hundred forty-four years. He took diksha from Shri Madhusudana Dasa Babaji and did bhajana for many year at Surya Kunda in Vrindavana. Thakura Bhaktivinoda received valuable instructions on pure devotional service from Jagannatha Dasa Babaji.

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