Category Archives: Videos

Tapan Mishra – Video

Tapana Mishra, father of Shri Raghunatha Bhatta Goswami, first met Lord Chaitanya in East Bengal. The Lord was teaching Sanskrit there during His grhasta lila. Although Tapana Mishra was also a pandit, he couldn’t ascertain the path of perfection. Shri Nimai Pandit enlightened him by saying, “Hari Nama sankirtana is the only means to attain perfection in the age of Kali.” Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

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Sundarananda Thakura – Video

He was a naishtika brahmachari (lifelong celibate). In Maheshpura he established Deities of Radha-Vallabha. In Vraja lila he is Sudama, one of the twelve cowherd boys. His personal Deity of Radha-Kalachandji is worshiped in the Radha-Govinda Temple in Vrindavana, and his samadhi is in the 64 Samadhis Area.

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Sulochana – Video

Sulochana is the forty-second branch of Chaitanya tree. He lived in the village of Shrihatta along with his dear friend Chiranjiva. They were completely surrendered to Lord Chaitanya, and because they were the friends and helpers of Narahari dasa they were honored and considered great souls.Shri Sulochana was one of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s associates and in Krishna-lila he was Chandrashekhara Gopi.

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Subuddhi Raya – Video

Subuddhi Raya was born in a Brahmin family and was well-known for his scholarship. While he was king of Gauda, Hussein Shah was his protégé. Previously, Subuddhi was the master of Bengal and Hussein Khan Sayyid worked for him. (Chaitanya-charitamrita 2.25.180).

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Srila Bhakti Promode Puri Goswami – Video

Srila Puri Goswami Maharaja took birth in the village of Ganganandapur in Jessore district (in present-day Bangla Desh), on October 8, 1898. His parents, Tarini Charan Chakravarti and Srimati Ram Rangini Devi, named him Sri Promode Bhushan Chakravarti.

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Shubhananada Dvija – Video

Subhananda, who formerly lived in Vrindavana as Malati, was one of the kirtana performers who danced in front of the Ratha-yatra car during the Jagannatha festival. It is said that he ate the foam that came out of the mouth of the Lord while He danced before the Ratha-yatra car.

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Shrinivasa Acharya – Video

Shrinivasa Acharya was born in 1530 AD, on the full moon day of the month of Vaishakh, in the village of Chakhandi, which lies just north of Agradwipa in the district of Nadiya. His father, Gangadhara Bhattacharya, was a Brahmin of the Rarha class.

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Shriman Pandita – Video

Shriman Pandita was among the companions of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu when the Lord performed sankirtana.
When Lord Chaitanya dressed Himself in the form of the goddess Lakshmi and danced in the streets of Navadwipa, Shriman Pandita carried a torch to light the way. (C.C. Adi 10.37)

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